
Develop innovative statistical and computational methods for data analysis and
for deriving new scientific discoveries in the biomedical and health sciences.


U.S. News & World Report ranked us fifth among programs in biostatistics!


  • Collaborate with faculty and work directly with renowned scholars in statistical methodology.
  • Analyze large-scale epidemiologic studies, next-generation sequencing, and biomedical imaging data.
  • Conduct research and gain real-world experience alongside researchers at major institutions and organizations, like the CDC.
  • Build relationships and a professional network.
  • Design and analyze clinical trials.


Have questions?

For questions related to our Master’s programs and Ph.D. program contact Angela Guinyard at angela.guinyard@emory.edu.
For all other questions related to the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, please contact Mercedes C. Lewis at mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.edu.