Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Anne C  Spaulding

Assoc Professor

Associate Professor

Faculty, Epidemiology


Professional Experience

Former Medical Director, RI Department of Corrections

Former Associate Medical Director, Georgia Correctional Healthcare (Georgia Prison System)

Fellow: Infectious Disease Society of America, American College of Physicians, American College of Correctional Physicians


Research Interests

  • Viral hepatitis epidemiology, with a focus on HCV

  • HIV testing and linkage to care

  • Infectious disease distribution within institutionalized populations

  • Translational and implementation science

  • Research ethics



Contact Information

1518 Clifton Road ,

Atlanta , GA 30322

Phone: 404-727-3369

Fax: 404-727-8737


Update Profile


  • ScB 1984, Brown University
  • MD 1989, Medical College of Virginia
  • MPH 2005, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Courses Taught

  • EPI 523: Hlth.Prom.Crim.-Legal Settings
  • GH 535: Field Epidemiology
  • EPI 531: Field Epidemiology

Affiliations & Activities

My research focus on the description and mathematical modeling of the epidemiology of HIV, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases in the criminal justice setting; interventions to promote seeking, testing and linking HIV infected persons to care; cost-effectiveness of interventions in prisons and jails; and translation of prevention interventions into the corrections environment. My bibliography is available at:

Publications and Social Media