Applied Practice Experience Program
What is an Applied Practice Experience?
An Applied Practice Experience is a unique opportunity that enables students to apply practical skills and knowledge learned through coursework to a professional public health setting that complements the student’s interests and career goals. This required 200-hour (minimum) experience is supervised by a Site Supervisor and requires approval from an APE Faculty Advisor designated by the student’s academic department at RSPH. Students align their work with chosen MPH foundational competencies and concentration competencies and produce at least 2 deliverables that benefit the APE organization. Students work on their APE after completing at least 9 credit hours towards their MPH.
Rollins students do APE work throughout the country and around the world and their work has benefited hundreds of public health organizations.
Students who matriculated at Rollins in Fall 2024, can find detailed information in the APE Information folder in the 12Twenty Resource Library.
Students who matriculated at Rollins in Fall 2023 or earlier, will continue to use the APE Portal information below.
APE Steps
Students can use a number of different strategies to identify a project suitable for fulfilling the APE requirement. Resources include:
- RSPH Career Connection
- Contacting organizations of interest
- Networking
- Faculty/staff relationships with external organizations
- Mentor
- Campus info sessions & workshops
- Career fairs (2/year)
- Atlanta community events
- Online resources from the Office of Career Development
- List of past opportunities
After a potential APE has been identified, student’s should schedule a meeting with the potential Field Supervisor to discuss project goals that are mutually beneficial to the student and the organization. In addition, the student should download and bring a copy of the APE Student and Field Supervisor Worksheet to use as a guide during the meeting and to ensure all requirements and expectations are discussed upfront.
The student will be granted access to the APE Portal after you have completed 9 credit hours.
Log into the APE Portal using the student’s Emory ID and Password. The systems are linked with the OPUS system, so when they log in, demographic/academic data (i.e., name, expected graduation date, department, degree seeking, and program concentration, if any) should already be populated in the fields on the profile page. If these fields are not pre‐populated or if the information is incorrect, the student should correct the information (all fields are required).
You may view a video of the process to upload your APE information here:
> APE Student Portal Walk Through
Students will select their assigned ADAP and APE Advisor from the dropdown list on the profile page. If they do not know who their assigned APE Advisor is, they should contact their ADAP. Note: The Department’s APE Advisor(s) is not the same as the student’s Faculty Advisor.
Students should upload a current version of their resume (their Field Supervisor, ADAP and APE Advisor will be able to view the resume from within the portal). Should they need to update their resume, they may upload a newer version of the resume, which will overwrite the existing version.
Upon completing a minimum of 9-credit hours, the student can add an APE into the system via the “My APE” Tab. To add a new APE, they must have the following information available:
- First name, last name, and current email address of the Field Supervisor (who will oversee and supervise your work)
- The community partner and branch/division (if any) of the associated organization
- Address of the APE worksite
- Expected APE start and end dates
- CEPH MPH/MSPH Foundational Competencies and Concentration Competencies they plan to attain through the proposed APE
- APE learning objectives and strategies
- Proposed deliverables
After the student submits their APE information, their designated APE Advisor will receive an email asking them to review and approve (or if changes need to be made, deny with comments) the proposed APE competencies, learning objectives, strategies and deliverables. Once the competencies, learning objectives and strategies have been approved by the APE Advisor, the Field Supervisor will receive an email asking them to review and approve (or if changes need to be made, deny with comments) the proposed APE competencies, learning objectives, strategies and deliverables. Once the student receives approval from the APE Advisor and Field Supervisor they may begin their APE and hours will begin to count toward this requirement. The student should be using a system or other means of keeping track of their APE hours (i.e. Kronos, Excel template available online, etc.).
Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health (GDEH) students must complete the APE Field Supervisor Worksheet as posted on the EH Canvas site with their site supervisor and EH faculty advisor and upload to the EH Canvas assignment prior to submitting to the portal.
Executive MPH (EMPH) Program Students: The EMPH ADAP will register EMPH students for the APE course after the student completes the APE agreement form and all parties have signed.
Hubert Department of Global Health (HDGH) Students: Prior to entering an applied practice experience into the APE Portal, students need to submit an APE pre-approval form on Canvas for review and approval by the APE Advisor. Please check the HDGH Canvas page for details on the department’s pre-approval process.
Midway through the APE, the student and Field Supervisor will receive an email asking the student to document the hours worked to date. Students are encouraged to review their progress toward meeting the selected competencies, learning objectives, strategies and completion of deliverables with their Field Supervisor at this time. If the project circumstances or plans have changed and the objectives need to be adjusted, the student can make changes at this time. [Additional changes to learning objectives/strategies or changes needing to be made at other times during the APE can be made by emailing]
About two (2) weeks prior to the end of the APE, the student will receive an email reminding them to complete the student evaluation. The student will need to log into the portal to complete the student evaluation, upload deliverables and enter total hours completed. Once the student evaluation has been completed, the student’s Field Supervisor will receive an email asking him/her to verify the total number of hours the student worked as well as to complete an evaluation of the student’s performance and competency attainment. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their Field Supervisor completes the evaluation in the APE portal prior to the designated deadline. The student will also be asked to evaluate their APE experience.
At the conclusion of the APE, the APE Advisor will review and provide a final approval of the information the student entered into the portal and will certify that the student has attained the selected CEPH MPH/MSPH Foundational Competencies, Concentration Competencies and proposed deliverables. The APE Advisor will also review the student and supervisor evaluations to ensure the objectives and strategies were satisfactorily accomplished and mutually beneficial.
Following the APE Advisor, the ADAP will ensure all steps were completed in the APE portal and the student enrolled and completed the Department’s 595 course to clear the student for graduation.
MPH/MSPH Foundational and Department Competencies
To access a list of the foundational and department/concentration-related competencies, visit
APE General Deadline Timeline
Start a new APE
Your Expected Graduation | Start Deadline | Completion Deadline |
May (Spring) | January 30 | April 1 |
August (Summer) | April 30 | July 1 |
December (Fall) | August 30 | November 1 |
Examples of past sites where students completed an APE project are:
Practicum Program
If you matriculated before 2018 and need access to the Practicum system, please send an e-mail to and we will contact you.