Rollins researchers use exposure science to learn how our environments influence our health — and why the effects can vary so widely among different people and places

On weekday afternoons, Atlanta’s Downtown Connector is an incredibly unpleasant place.
Throngs of vehicles congregate to grumble together in the sun, spewing noxious fumes as they inch along. Drivers and passengers gaze helplessly through the hydrocarbon haze.
They are stuck only temporarily, of course, and many will soon return home to cleaner air. Back on the highway, however, the stench of traffic lingers — and wafts into a nearby neighborhood. Unlike the commuters who escaped, people here may breathe polluted air well into the night.
"In areas near metro Atlanta's I-75 or I-85, traffic-related pollutants like nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter can surge during rush hours,” explains Yun Hang, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in environmental health at Rollins. Hang’s research includes testing the use of satellites to monitor air pollution and extreme heat in underserved communities in metro Atlanta, a project funded by a grant from NASA’s Applied Sciences program.
“Low-income neighborhoods often find themselves adjacent to highways, and consequently residents bear heightened exposure to traffic-related pollutants,” she says.
Hang is one of many researchers at Rollins helping address a major public health challenge for the 21st century: the quest to complement our relatively wide knowledge of the human genome with a more holistic understanding of the human “exposome.”


Genomics in recent decades has yielded revolutionary insights about the relationship between genes and health, yet despite the many benefits of mapping the human genome, research also suggests genetic factors are not major causes of chronic disease overall.
That finding points to environmental exposures, influences from outside the genome. It includes a dizzying range of substances and forces that might affect our health, from pathogens, chemicals, and radiation to socioeconomic factors like poverty or racism.
There is already abundant research on the health risks of some specific toxicants and other hazards. But given the scale and scope of different exposures across a human lifetime, and the potential for cumulative or compounding effects, experts say we still have a lot to learn.

Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy
Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy
"One piece that has been missing, as we move more toward this idea of the exposome, is that it isn’t any one specific chemical, exposure or social factor that leads to disease in individuals. It's really a combination of them," says Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy.
Marsit is also director of the HERCULES Exposome Research Center, a collaboration between Rollins and Georgia Institute of Technology focused on high-impact environmental health research. Now in its 10th year, HERCULES is one of about 20 such centers across the country, part of a broad shift in exposure science to a more holistic approach.
This shift evokes the evolution of genetics research in the last century, when the focus on individual genes gave way to a more comprehensive view of the genome, says Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health.

Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health
Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health
“The exposomics field is kind of where genomics was 30 or 40 years ago,” Walker notes. “A lot of the original genetic studies were focused on candidate gene studies.” In those earlier studies, researchers would often hypothesize that a certain gene predisposes people for a certain disease, then find people with the disease and test for that gene only.
“Most of the candidate gene findings have not been replicated in larger, genome-wide studies,” Walker adds. “Now we're measuring all mutations within the genome. Similarly, with exposures, rather than just focusing on known pollutants, we're focusing on as many as possible.”
Hence the “exposome” — like the genome, but for exposures.

Genomics in recent decades has yielded revolutionary insights about the relationship between genes and health, yet despite the many benefits of mapping the human genome, research also suggests genetic factors are not major causes of chronic disease overall.
That finding points to environmental exposures, influences from outside the genome. It includes a dizzying range of substances and forces that might affect our health, from pathogens, chemicals, and radiation to socioeconomic factors like poverty or racism.
There is already abundant research on the health risks of some specific toxicants and other hazards. But given the scale and scope of different exposures across a human lifetime, and the potential for cumulative or compounding effects, experts say we still have a lot to learn.

Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy
Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy
"One piece that has been missing, as we move more toward this idea of the exposome, is that it isn’t any one specific chemical, exposure or social factor that leads to disease in individuals. It's really a combination of them," says Carmen Marsit, PhD, executive associate dean for faculty affairs and research strategy.
Marsit is also director of the HERCULES Exposome Research Center, a collaboration between Rollins and Georgia Institute of Technology focused on high-impact environmental health research. Now in its 10th year, HERCULES is one of about 20 such centers across the country, part of a broad shift in exposure science to a more holistic approach.
This shift evokes the evolution of genetics research in the last century, when the focus on individual genes gave way to a more comprehensive view of the genome, says Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health.

Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health
Douglas Walker, PhD, associate professor of environmental health
“The exposomics field is kind of where genomics was 30 or 40 years ago,” Walker notes. “A lot of the original genetic studies were focused on candidate gene studies.” In those earlier studies, researchers would often hypothesize that a certain gene predisposes people for a certain disease, then find people with the disease and test for that gene only.
“Most of the candidate gene findings have not been replicated in larger, genome-wide studies,” Walker adds. “Now we're measuring all mutations within the genome. Similarly, with exposures, rather than just focusing on known pollutants, we're focusing on as many as possible.”
Hence the “exposome” — like the genome, but for exposures.

Coined in a 2005 paper by molecular epidemiologist Christopher P. Wild, the word “exposome” refers to a person’s complete history of exposures “from the prenatal period onwards.” If that sounds like too much to measure, you’re not alone.
Wild acknowledged this conundrum in his paper. “Developing reliable measurement tools for such a complete exposure history is extremely challenging,” he wrote. “Unlike the genome, the exposome is a highly variable and dynamic entity that evolves throughout the lifetime of the individual. It is not without good cause that progress has been limited in meeting this goal.”
The exposome still poses an extreme challenge nearly 20 years later, but the concept and its importance have caught on, while new technology offers potentially game-changing ways to measure previous exposures and anticipate new ones.
“We can measure things to smaller concentrations, and we can measure a lot of different types of chemicals, which allows us to try to capture that piece of it,” Marsit says. “Similarly, on the more geographic-based exposures, we're getting better at modeling what air pollution or other types of climate effects might be. We can bring all that data in as well as capture a lot of the social factors that might exist because of where a person lives.”

Coined in a 2005 paper by molecular epidemiologist Christopher P. Wild, the word “exposome” refers to a person’s complete history of exposures “from the prenatal period onwards.” If that sounds like too much to measure, you’re not alone.
Wild acknowledged this conundrum in his paper. “Developing reliable measurement tools for such a complete exposure history is extremely challenging,” he wrote. “Unlike the genome, the exposome is a highly variable and dynamic entity that evolves throughout the lifetime of the individual. It is not without good cause that progress has been limited in meeting this goal.”
The exposome still poses an extreme challenge nearly 20 years later, but the concept and its importance have caught on, while new technology offers potentially game-changing ways to measure previous exposures and anticipate new ones.
“We can measure things to smaller concentrations, and we can measure a lot of different types of chemicals, which allows us to try to capture that piece of it,” Marsit says. “Similarly, on the more geographic-based exposures, we're getting better at modeling what air pollution or other types of climate effects might be. We can bring all that data in as well as capture a lot of the social factors that might exist because of where a person lives.”

Air pollution is a pervasive threat to public health, with 99% of all humans exposed to levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) standards. The combined effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution are associated with 6.7 million premature deaths globally per year, according to the WHO, which estimates outdoor air pollution alone causes 4.2 million. Traffic exhaust is a major factor, as are sources ranging from wildfires to power plants.

Exposomics would be daunting under any circumstances, but it’s especially difficult given the volume and diversity of ongoing human-caused environmental problems. Along with timeless, relentless hazards like soot or heavy metals, there are newer plastics, pesticides, and “forever chemicals,” plus thousands of emerging industrial chemicals with unknown effects on human health.
Still, while the exposome may be expanding, so is our capacity to explore it, thanks to researchers like Walker. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry, Walker has found a high-throughput and cost-effective method for measuring up to 100,000 chemical signals from a biological sample, hinting at the potential exposomics may hold for precision medicine.
“It's a powerful approach because it not only lets us detect very low levels of chemicals in a biological sample, but it also gives us information that lets us predict the identity of the chemicals we're measuring,” he says. “We can detect tens of thousands of chemical signals without necessarily knowing what they are ahead of time.”
Data science can then help suss out the most important signals linked to health outcomes. Walker’s lab focuses on developing analytical methods that are both powerful and practical for large-scale population screening. “We can use these methods to measure about 20,000 blood samples per year,” he says. “We can do very large exposome screening.”
Truly capturing every exposure across a person’s lifespan is unrealistic, but if tools like these can reveal enough about the most relevant exposures, it may also be unnecessary.
“The traditional definition was focused on all exposures across the lifespan, but that's sort of a pie-in-the-sky definition,” Walker says. “It will never be possible to measure every exposure from birth to when we die. What we really focus on are the key measurements we can use to better understand and evaluate the history of exposure and how the biochemical changes that occur might predispose us to illnesses like cancer and heart disease.”

Air pollution is a pervasive threat to public health, with 99% of all humans exposed to levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) standards. The combined effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution are associated with 6.7 million premature deaths globally per year, according to the WHO, which estimates outdoor air pollution alone causes 4.2 million. Traffic exhaust is a major factor, as are sources ranging from wildfires to power plants.

Exposomics would be daunting under any circumstances, but it’s especially difficult given the volume and diversity of ongoing human-caused environmental problems. Along with timeless, relentless hazards like soot or heavy metals, there are newer plastics, pesticides, and “forever chemicals,” plus thousands of emerging industrial chemicals with unknown effects on human health.
Still, while the exposome may be expanding, so is our capacity to explore it, thanks to researchers like Walker. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry, Walker has found a high-throughput and cost-effective method for measuring up to 100,000 chemical signals from a biological sample, hinting at the potential exposomics may hold for precision medicine.
“It's a powerful approach because it not only lets us detect very low levels of chemicals in a biological sample, but it also gives us information that lets us predict the identity of the chemicals we're measuring,” he says. “We can detect tens of thousands of chemical signals without necessarily knowing what they are ahead of time.”
Data science can then help suss out the most important signals linked to health outcomes. Walker’s lab focuses on developing analytical methods that are both powerful and practical for large-scale population screening. “We can use these methods to measure about 20,000 blood samples per year,” he says. “We can do very large exposome screening.”
Truly capturing every exposure across a person’s lifespan is unrealistic, but if tools like these can reveal enough about the most relevant exposures, it may also be unnecessary.
“The traditional definition was focused on all exposures across the lifespan, but that's sort of a pie-in-the-sky definition,” Walker says. “It will never be possible to measure every exposure from birth to when we die. What we really focus on are the key measurements we can use to better understand and evaluate the history of exposure and how the biochemical changes that occur might predispose us to illnesses like cancer and heart disease.”

The exposome begins before birth and grows rapidly with each day’s exposures. If unexplained health problems emerge later in life, clues about their origins may be hidden somewhere in that massive, murky history.
Research has found clear health risks from traffic-related air pollution, especially components like fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Similarly, there’s ample evidence of the dangers of radiation, or metals like lead and mercury. We also have a decent understanding of how some pesticides and industrial compounds might affect us. But that knowledge is still dwarfed by how much we don’t know about countless other chemicals.
“When we think about all the exposures that you could be exposed to, it's kind of scary,” says Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health. “Just think about air pollutants. It's not just PM 2.5. In fact, there are hundreds to thousands of different air pollutants out there. But the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) only monitors six of them.”

Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health
Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health
Most people are exposed to a diverse blend of pollutants during their lives, including some known and suspected carcinogens. There is clear evidence of cancer risk for certain exposures like cigarette smoke, Marsit notes, but despite compelling hints that air pollution and other contaminants may also lead to cancer, certainty remains elusive overall.
“There's actually an increase in lung cancers among people who are nonsmokers,” Marsit says. “So what role are other air constituents playing in that? There's a thought it could be related to some of these exposures, but we lack clear evidence like we have with cigarette smoking. And the same is true for chemicals related to other types of cancers.”
Since many cancers develop slowly, any precipitating exposures could have occurred decades earlier. “It's really hard to understand what those exposures were at the time when those initial cancer cells developed, that then had to grow for 20, 30, 40 years to be diagnosed as a cancer,” Marsit says. “So that's the real challenge with cancer — that you have these long latencies and it's hard to make some of those connections because of that time period.”

In addition to the possible cancer risk from some pollutants, an array of other health concerns is also associated with chemicals we frequently encounter. They include endocrine disruptors — chemicals that can mimic or interfere with hormones.
“We can see that exposure to these endocrine disruptors during pregnancy may lead to developmental impacts in children,” Marsit says. “Attention deficit disorder or autism spectrum disorders can be linked to a lot of endocrine-disrupting exposures during pregnancy because they are relatively common outcomes. And it's a pretty short window. You can go from pregnancy to kids who by age 5 or 6 start showing these outcomes. There are a lot of studies following children like that, so you're able to make those connections.”
Such studies are a focus at Rollins, where environmental health research often concentrates on prenatal exposures, healthy pregnancies, and children’s health outcomes.
Liang, for one, studies how prenatal exposure to some chemicals affects child and maternal health. His research covers air pollution and persistent organic pollutants, including a notorious group of chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
“The problem with PFAS is that, unlike many other organic or nonorganic pollutants like pesticides or insecticides, PFAS persist in the environment because they break down very slowly, both in the environment and the human body,” Liang says.
That fact earned them the nickname “forever chemicals,” and while their persistence is useful for some industrial purposes, it’s bad news in a biological context. Extreme durability and bioaccumulation are two red flags for PFAS, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Their prevalence in common products — from food takeout containers to flame-retardant materials — offer more exposure opportunities. Animal studies have linked PFAS to health risks including liver damage, but effects in humans remain unclear.
Liang is trying to identify health effects from exposure to PFAS and other chemicals as well as unmask the molecular pathways enabling those effects. “For example, how can we explain why, when you are exposed to a high level of PFAS, you have a higher risk of preterm birth or restrictive fetal growth?” he says.
Micro- and nanoplastics are another ubiquitous form of pollution, commonly appearing in human blood, lungs, and other organs. Research suggests they might harm us, maybe acting as endocrine disruptors, but their health effects remain largely unknown, Walker says.

The exposome begins before birth and grows rapidly with each day’s exposures. If unexplained health problems emerge later in life, clues about their origins may be hidden somewhere in that massive, murky history.
Research has found clear health risks from traffic-related air pollution, especially components like fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Similarly, there’s ample evidence of the dangers of radiation, or metals like lead and mercury. We also have a decent understanding of how some pesticides and industrial compounds might affect us. But that knowledge is still dwarfed by how much we don’t know about countless other chemicals.
“When we think about all the exposures that you could be exposed to, it's kind of scary,” says Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health. “Just think about air pollutants. It's not just PM 2.5. In fact, there are hundreds to thousands of different air pollutants out there. But the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) only monitors six of them.”

Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health
Donghai Liang, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health
Most people are exposed to a diverse blend of pollutants during their lives, including some known and suspected carcinogens. There is clear evidence of cancer risk for certain exposures like cigarette smoke, Marsit notes, but despite compelling hints that air pollution and other contaminants may also lead to cancer, certainty remains elusive overall.
“There's actually an increase in lung cancers among people who are nonsmokers,” Marsit says. “So what role are other air constituents playing in that? There's a thought it could be related to some of these exposures, but we lack clear evidence like we have with cigarette smoking. And the same is true for chemicals related to other types of cancers.”
Since many cancers develop slowly, any precipitating exposures could have occurred decades earlier. “It's really hard to understand what those exposures were at the time when those initial cancer cells developed, that then had to grow for 20, 30, 40 years to be diagnosed as a cancer,” Marsit says. “So that's the real challenge with cancer — that you have these long latencies and it's hard to make some of those connections because of that time period.”

In addition to the possible cancer risk from some pollutants, an array of other health concerns is also associated with chemicals we frequently encounter. They include endocrine disruptors — chemicals that can mimic or interfere with hormones.
“We can see that exposure to these endocrine disruptors during pregnancy may lead to developmental impacts in children,” Marsit says. “Attention deficit disorder or autism spectrum disorders can be linked to a lot of endocrine-disrupting exposures during pregnancy because they are relatively common outcomes. And it's a pretty short window. You can go from pregnancy to kids who by age 5 or 6 start showing these outcomes. There are a lot of studies following children like that, so you're able to make those connections.”
Such studies are a focus at Rollins, where environmental health research often concentrates on prenatal exposures, healthy pregnancies, and children’s health outcomes.
Liang, for one, studies how prenatal exposure to some chemicals affects child and maternal health. His research covers air pollution and persistent organic pollutants, including a notorious group of chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
“The problem with PFAS is that, unlike many other organic or nonorganic pollutants like pesticides or insecticides, PFAS persist in the environment because they break down very slowly, both in the environment and the human body,” Liang says.
That fact earned them the nickname “forever chemicals,” and while their persistence is useful for some industrial purposes, it’s bad news in a biological context. Extreme durability and bioaccumulation are two red flags for PFAS, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Their prevalence in common products — from food takeout containers to flame-retardant materials — offer more exposure opportunities. Animal studies have linked PFAS to health risks including liver damage, but effects in humans remain unclear.
Liang is trying to identify health effects from exposure to PFAS and other chemicals as well as unmask the molecular pathways enabling those effects. “For example, how can we explain why, when you are exposed to a high level of PFAS, you have a higher risk of preterm birth or restrictive fetal growth?” he says.
Micro- and nanoplastics are another ubiquitous form of pollution, commonly appearing in human blood, lungs, and other organs. Research suggests they might harm us, maybe acting as endocrine disruptors, but their health effects remain largely unknown, Walker says.

That’s true for many industrial chemicals, which Marsit attributes to a U.S. regulatory approach that allows new compounds to be approved without evidence of their safety. “All of our bans or controls of any kind on chemical exposures only occur after toxicity is demonstrated,” he says. “Companies are not upfront having to demonstrate that a product is safe.”
If a chemical is proven harmful and eventually banned, industries are free to turn to other chemicals with similar properties to take its place, adds Amina Salamova, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health. Another pesticide that kills a specific pest or another nonstick or flame-retardant material are easy possibilities.

“Often, if one chemical is banned, industry will replace it with a different one, which is usually not very different in terms of chemical structure,” she says. Thus, the new chemical poses similar risks to those of its predecessor. Even if the replacement hails from a different class of chemicals, its effects on human health may simply be unknown.
Amid this chaos, there are few clear links from specific pollutants to specific effects, Liang points out. “It's very challenging to isolate an individual pollutant effect, especially in a population health study,” he says. “On the epidemiological side, you always assume people are only exposed to one pollutant, but in the real world, they're exposed to multiple ones.”

Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology
Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology
None of these exposures occur in a vacuum, points out Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology. While obesity alone is a risk factor for cancer, the danger varies significantly depending on other exposures, beyond those contributing to the obesity itself.
“If you pair obesity with living in a high-pollutant area with endocrine-disruptive chemicals, that combination can be synergistic for the initiation of cancer,” she says. “So we try to think about how these multiple exposures interact in a way that puts someone at heightened or reduced risk.”

That’s true for many industrial chemicals, which Marsit attributes to a U.S. regulatory approach that allows new compounds to be approved without evidence of their safety. “All of our bans or controls of any kind on chemical exposures only occur after toxicity is demonstrated,” he says. “Companies are not upfront having to demonstrate that a product is safe.”
If a chemical is proven harmful and eventually banned, industries are free to turn to other chemicals with similar properties to take its place, adds Amina Salamova, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health. Another pesticide that kills a specific pest or another nonstick or flame-retardant material are easy possibilities.

“Often, if one chemical is banned, industry will replace it with a different one, which is usually not very different in terms of chemical structure,” she says. Thus, the new chemical poses similar risks to those of its predecessor. Even if the replacement hails from a different class of chemicals, its effects on human health may simply be unknown.
Amid this chaos, there are few clear links from specific pollutants to specific effects, Liang points out. “It's very challenging to isolate an individual pollutant effect, especially in a population health study,” he says. “On the epidemiological side, you always assume people are only exposed to one pollutant, but in the real world, they're exposed to multiple ones.”

Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology
Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology
None of these exposures occur in a vacuum, points out Lauren McCullough, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology. While obesity alone is a risk factor for cancer, the danger varies significantly depending on other exposures, beyond those contributing to the obesity itself.
“If you pair obesity with living in a high-pollutant area with endocrine-disruptive chemicals, that combination can be synergistic for the initiation of cancer,” she says. “So we try to think about how these multiple exposures interact in a way that puts someone at heightened or reduced risk.”

People in the real world also face social and economic forces that influence health, potentially boosting exposure to hazards like stress, sleep deprivation, or substance misuse. And, as in the example of Atlanta’s Downtown Connector, socioeconomic status may even help determine a person’s level of exposure to dangerous pollutants.
“We know the majority of air pollution we see today is coming from car exhaust or diesel exhaust from trucks,” Marsit says. “So the majority of exposures are going to affect people around highways. If you think about where highways are built, they often run through poorer neighborhoods. In the South, you're talking about Black neighborhoods. You have this set-up environment built upon structural racism that has placed people at risk for exposures because of the way our infrastructure was built.”
This scenario can also happen with industrial sources of pollution like factories, refineries, incinerators, or power plants, which have a similar history of being built in or near disadvantaged communities.
“The disproportionate burden of air pollution on low-income communities stems from a combination of socioeconomic factors, environmental policies, and system inequities,” Hang explains. “For instance, industries and other pollution sources tend to be within or near low-income communities due to their lower property values and diminished political influence. And the clustering of pollution sources exposes residents to elevated pollution levels.”

Yun Hang, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in environmental health
Yun Hang, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in environmental health
At the same time, Hang adds, these communities often lack resources that might help offset their elevated exposure to toxicants. For example, they tend to have fewer parks and other green spaces, denying them vegetation that could mitigate air pollution and help fortify mental and physical health. Lower-income neighborhoods also tend to be food deserts, lacking access to nutritious food due to a conspicuous absence of grocery stores.
All these disadvantages are not coincidental, McCullough notes. Many lower-income communities are still plagued by various effects of redlining, dating back to 20th-century maps created by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation that identified supposedly hazardous neighborhoods for investment.
The maps ostensibly were meant to help banks assess lending risk, McCullough says, but in Atlanta and many other cities, their discriminatory influence went further.
“The uptake of the maps was not just in terms of real estate and home loans,” she says. “They were used to determine business investment. If you look at these maps, particularly for the city of Atlanta, you see a dearth of supermarkets in these redlined areas and a flux of convenience stores.”

Generations later, the legacy of those maps can still affect the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in certain neighborhoods, McCullough says. “Conversely, you have a critical mass of convenience stores selling high-sugar, energy-dense goods and alcohol. All the things we consider to be predatory now are based on these initial maps, and where folks thought investing their money would result in the highest return.”
These factors show the importance of understanding behavioral factors, including links to socioeconomic status and the built environment. Obesity, for example, is largely driven by a person’s diet and exercise, but it’s easy to overlook how much our diet and exercise habits in turn depend on the environment around us. “If you're living in an environment that does not facilitate those healthy habits, then we have to think, ‘Well, what policies and practices led to 80% of Black women being overweight or obese?’” McCullough says.
"You can look at individual behavior and individual decision-making, but that individual behavior is nested in a neighborhood that has its own effects,” she adds. “Neighborhoods are nested within communities, counties, and states that have policies that impact all of these things.”


In general, the best protection from dangerous exposures is policymaking, Marsit says. Enacting new policies could phase out fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions and traffic-related pollutants or require more safety testing before new chemicals can be approved.
Green spaces in urban areas could also help by limiting exposure to air pollution and generally improving people’s mental and physical health.

Mitigation otherwise mostly boils down to personal protection, Marsit says. For air pollution, that might involve wearing a mask or limiting outdoor time on bad air quality days. For pesticide residues, it could entail buying organic produce and washing it thoroughly. For PFAS, it might require avoiding certain products like takeout containers and stain-resistant fabrics.
While forever chemicals may linger long after people stop using them, many pollutants fade more quickly. As Salamova has found, flame retardants and household disinfectants dwindle substantially
in built environments once they are no longer used.
Managing such exposure risks might also become easier as we learn more what to expect from various hazards — such as through improved modeling of air pollution and climate change effects — and as we learn more about how different exposures happen and how they interact with the body and other exposures.
As researchers shed more light on the exposome, it’s important that new knowledge be shared with the public to inform their decisions about their own exposures.
In Hang’s research, she and her colleagues wanted to evaluate air pollution levels in metro Atlanta but discovered most ground-based air quality monitors are in northern parts of the city, leaving a coverage gap farther south. “But the south part is where we have the most environmental justice issues, and we cannot get data from there,” Hang says.

In their NASA-funded project, researchers are investigating whether satellites can be useful tools for filling that gap. Local residents are codesigning the project via community-engagement workshops that address their needs and concerns. Researchers are seeking their input on exposure assessments and project next steps.
Thus far, community feedback has been “very, very positive,” Hang says. “It’s even better than I thought. They are very excited or even shocked, like, ‘NASA satellites can monitor air pollution from space?’”
Hang hopes her research will eventually inform policy decisions that can help mitigate pollution exposures. In the meantime, her team is trying to help disadvantaged communities better understand the exposure risks they face — and empower them to help influence the search for solutions. “We want to learn their thoughts first,” says Hang. “That's very important to ensuring our research fits their needs.”
Story by Russell McLendon
Designed by Linda Dobson
Illustration by Kailey Whitman
Photography by Theo Gayle & Erik Meadows

Researchers unite to investigate mysteries of microplastics
It was only 116 years ago when Bakelite, the world’s first synthetic plastic, ushered in a bold new era of human-made polymers. Today, it’s normal for people anywhere on Earth to have countless specks of plastic contaminating their blood and organs.
Plastics have been a game changer for humanity in many ways, giving us a bounty of low-cost, lightweight materials that can be surprisingly strong or durable. Not all their changes have been helpful, however: Many plastics are too durable, persisting in the environment long after people discard them, which fuels the growing scourge of plastic pollution on land and at sea.

Intact plastic items like shopping bags or fishing lines pose a dire threat to wildlife, but even when plastic debris does eventually degrade into smaller pieces, its dangers don’t necessarily diminish. Once plastic particles are small enough, they can blow in the wind and enter the food web, even making their way all the way up to us.
Research has shown humans are exposed to micro- and nanoplastic pollution (MNP) largely by inhaling it or ingesting it. It has been found in many parts of the human body, including blood, the heart, lungs, colon, and placenta, among other organs.
We still know very little about how all this plastic might affect our health, but an international research program funded by the European Union aims to change that. Named AURORA, the five-year project launched in 2021 with the goal of investigating early-life impacts of exposure to micro- and nanoplastics, which covers particles between 1 millimeter and 1 micrometer in size.
The AURORA project involves 11 partner institutions from nine countries and more than two dozen researchers — one of whom is Douglas Walker, associate professor of environmental health at Rollins, and adjunct assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Considering how pervasive plastic pollution has become, Walker says, we urgently need to know more about the nature and scope of exposures, as well as potential health effects.
“This is a huge knowledge gap. The exposures are so widespread, but we don't even have foundational knowledge on their distribution in human populations,” Walker says. Plastic particles can be found in “just about every tissue that's tested,” he adds, but we still lack key details about the plastics themselves and their behavior inside our bodies.
That’s what AURORA is designed to change, with a focus on early-life exposures to MNP, including during pregnancy and childhood. The health effects for young children are about as unclear as they are for everyone else, Walker says, but there is cause for concern.
“The developing fetus has a number of critical windows where exposure to exogenous compounds can lead to increased risk of health effects later in life,” he says. “A fetus is very sensitive to exposures, as well as infants and toddlers as they're growing. Many of the defense mechanisms to protect us from these exposures we have aren't in place yet.”
Since plastic is such a variable material, it’s hard to study health effects of MNP until we know more about the specific polymers in our bodies, plus any extra pollutants they smuggle in.
“The challenge we face is not only microplastics themselves, but also over 10,000 chemicals that have been linked to plastic manufacturing used as additives, antioxidants,” Walker says.
AURORA is meant to improve methods for toxicological, exposure-assessment, and epidemiological studies of MNP, and to provide the first extensive study of maternal and fetal MNP exposures and health effects.
The project is tackling this task in multiple ways, with collaboration among labs to combine methods. That includes microscopy, which yields images of particles to reveal their size, shape, and composition, as well as techniques that involve combusting or chemically breaking apart microplastic particles, letting researchers measure the polymers and other chemicals.
Walker and his colleagues are also developing ways to gain unprecedented detail about the plastic hiding throughout our bodies.
“Our methods let us assess essentially a body’s burden of microplastics. We can tell you, ‘You have 20 milligrams of this microplastic per gram of your tissue,’” he says. “We’re applying this method to many different tissue types — placenta, meconium, maternal blood, maternal urine — looking at how microplastics vary across those different tissues.”
AURORA researchers are working to develop scalable methods, he adds, so they can take biological samples and measure microplastics in them relatively quickly and in a high-throughput manner.
“When this study is completed, this is going to be the largest population-wide biomonitoring study ever performed on microplastic exposure in humans,” Walker says. —Russell McLendon

Researchers unite to investigate mysteries of microplastics
It was only 116 years ago when Bakelite, the world’s first synthetic plastic, ushered in a bold new era of human-made polymers. Today, it’s normal for people anywhere on Earth to have countless specks of plastic contaminating their blood and organs.
Plastics have been a game changer for humanity in many ways, giving us a bounty of low-cost, lightweight materials that can be surprisingly strong or durable. Not all their changes have been helpful, however: Many plastics are too durable, persisting in the environment long after people discard them, which fuels the growing scourge of plastic pollution on land and at sea.

Intact plastic items like shopping bags or fishing lines pose a dire threat to wildlife, but even when plastic debris does eventually degrade into smaller pieces, its dangers don’t necessarily diminish. Once plastic particles are small enough, they can blow in the wind and enter the food web, even making their way all the way up to us.
Research has shown humans are exposed to micro- and nanoplastic pollution (MNP) largely by inhaling it or ingesting it. It has been found in many parts of the human body, including blood, the heart, lungs, colon, and placenta, among other organs.
We still know very little about how all this plastic might affect our health, but an international research program funded by the European Union aims to change that. Named AURORA, the five-year project launched in 2021 with the goal of investigating early-life impacts of exposure to micro- and nanoplastics, which covers particles between 1 millimeter and 1 micrometer in size.
The AURORA project involves 11 partner institutions from nine countries and more than two dozen researchers — one of whom is Douglas Walker, associate professor of environmental health at Rollins, and adjunct assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Considering how pervasive plastic pollution has become, Walker says, we urgently need to know more about the nature and scope of exposures, as well as potential health effects.
“This is a huge knowledge gap. The exposures are so widespread, but we don't even have foundational knowledge on their distribution in human populations,” Walker says. Plastic particles can be found in “just about every tissue that's tested,” he adds, but we still lack key details about the plastics themselves and their behavior inside our bodies.
That’s what AURORA is designed to change, with a focus on early-life exposures to MNP, including during pregnancy and childhood. The health effects for young children are about as unclear as they are for everyone else, Walker says, but there is cause for concern.
“The developing fetus has a number of critical windows where exposure to exogenous compounds can lead to increased risk of health effects later in life,” he says. “A fetus is very sensitive to exposures, as well as infants and toddlers as they're growing. Many of the defense mechanisms to protect us from these exposures we have aren't in place yet.”
Since plastic is such a variable material, it’s hard to study health effects of MNP until we know more about the specific polymers in our bodies, plus any extra pollutants they smuggle in.
“The challenge we face is not only microplastics themselves, but also over 10,000 chemicals that have been linked to plastic manufacturing used as additives, antioxidants,” Walker says.
AURORA is meant to improve methods for toxicological, exposure-assessment, and epidemiological studies of MNP, and to provide the first extensive study of maternal and fetal MNP exposures and health effects.
The project is tackling this task in multiple ways, with collaboration among labs to combine methods. That includes microscopy, which yields images of particles to reveal their size, shape, and composition, as well as techniques that involve combusting or chemically breaking apart microplastic particles, letting researchers measure the polymers and other chemicals.
Walker and his colleagues are also developing ways to gain unprecedented detail about the plastic hiding throughout our bodies.
“Our methods let us assess essentially a body’s burden of microplastics. We can tell you, ‘You have 20 milligrams of this microplastic per gram of your tissue,’” he says. “We’re applying this method to many different tissue types — placenta, meconium, maternal blood, maternal urine — looking at how microplastics vary across those different tissues.”
AURORA researchers are working to develop scalable methods, he adds, so they can take biological samples and measure microplastics in them relatively quickly and in a high-throughput manner.
“When this study is completed, this is going to be the largest population-wide biomonitoring study ever performed on microplastic exposure in humans,” Walker says. —Russell McLendon
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