Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Helena  Pachon


Research Professor

Faculty, Global Health

My research interest lies in food-based approaches to address malnutrition. I worked for several years at the intersection of agriculture and nutrition with crop biofortification: naturally breeding staple crops to have higher nutrient levels. Currently, I support industrial fortification: adding vitamins and minerals to staple foods as they are processed for human consumption. 

Contact Information

1518 Clifton Rd NE

Atlanta , GA 30322

Phone: +1 404 727 9194


Update Profile


  • PhD 2006, Cornell University
  • MPH 2002, Harvard University
  • MS 1996, Cornell University
  • BS 1993, Cornell University

Affiliations & Activities

Research Director, Food Fortification Initiative

Member of the Graduate Faculty, Nutrition and Health Sciences Program

Instructor and Founding Director of the Global Health Nutrition Program in Peru, Center for the Study of Human Health