Epidemiology Courses

Current students: Course syllabi from previous semesters are available on S:\Syllabi. Please direct any questions to sphepidept@emory.edu.

Course # Title Description
EPI 504 (2)

Fundamentals of Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Non-EPI students only. Emphasizes the underlying concepts of the epidemiological approach, stressing study design. Discusses the calculation and interpretation of measures of frequency, association, and public health impact. This course discusses the calculation and interpretation of measures of frequency, association, and public health impact. The course focuses on the sources of study error including the influence of change, bias, confounding, and effect modification. This course also introduces basic concepts of standardizing rates, surveillance, and screening.
EPI 508 (1)

Maternal and Child Health Leadership Collaborative Seminar (Fall)

Fall. Prerequisite: EPI/GH/BSHE/HPM 596, students enrolled in the MCH certificate only or instructor permission. As a cross-institutional course lead by faculty from Rollins, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Georgia State University, the Leadership Collaborative Seminar will provide a biweekly interdisciplinary forum focused on building the necessary attitudes and relationships to prepare the next generation of health leaders to provide and promote coordinated, comprehensive, culturally competent care, programs, and policies for diverse MCH populations. Rollins students will interact with learners from the Georgia LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) and the Satcher Health Leadership Institute. Sessions will feature structured interviews with emerging MCH leaders, didactic content, problem-based learning on advancing health equity, opportunities for self-reflection, and group discussion – all with the goal of assisting participants in integration of learning across program curricula. The seminar series will also include presentations and interactions with prominent leaders in public health, health care, and human services. Learners will complete background readings as well as independent learning activities and directed opportunities for self-reflection in preparation for each session.
EPI 509 (2)

Overview of Children with Special Healthcare Needs (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisite: EPI/GH/BSHE/HPM 596, students enrolled in the MCH certificate only or instructor permission. This course will provide a one-semester overview of children with special health care needs and their families, including neurodevelopmental disabilities, to prepare learners to include the population in public health program planning, implementation, evaluation, and research.

EPI 510 (1)

Introduction to Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology (Fall)


Fall. This course will introduce basic principles of genetic and molecular epidemiology thought interactive discussion with leading researchers in the field. This is a stand-alone course but is also a prerequisite for the Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Certificate Program.
EPI 515 (3)

Introduction to Transforming Public Health Surveillance (Fall)

Fall. Prerequisites: None. Transforming Public Health Surveillance (TPHS) provides a review of the history, purposes, activities, uses, elements, data sources, models, analyses, actions, reports, evaluation, and ethical and legal issues of public health surveillance (PHS). It helps students understand the critical importance of the direct association between PHS and public health action, plus develop skills and competencies with the use of data-information-messages and the information and communication technologies that enable, enhance, and empower them. TPHS describes informatics approaches to enable and enhance data sharing, analytics, and visualization though interoperability that adapts to meet the challenges as PHS moves from analog to digital and demonstrates how PHS core functions (i.e., detection, registration, confirmation, analysis, feedback, communication, and response) will be enabled, enhanced, and empowered by these opportunities. Cross-listed with GH 515.
EPI 516 (2)

Issues in Women's Health (Fall)


Fall, even years. Prerequisite: EPI 504 or EPI 530; BIOS 500 (may be concurrent enrollment). Presents issues in women’s health that are a biological function of being female, but not pathologies of reproduction. These include cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and breast and cervical cancer. Addresses health problems related to the physiological and psychological aspects of being female. These include depression, premenstrual syndrome, addictive behavior, and violence perpetrated by and against women.
EPI 517 (2)

Case Studies in Infectious Disease (Fall)

Fall. Prerequisites/concurrent: EPI 504 or EPI 530 and BIOS 500 or permission of instructor. Provides training in the investigation, control, and prevention of infectious diseases by both descriptive and analytic epidemiological techniques. Students work with infectious diseases of national and international interest. Cross-listed with GH 517.

EPI 518 (2)

Practical Introduction to Survey Design


Spring, not offered every year. This short course is a practical introduction to survey research, seeking to provide students with hands-on skills to develop and implement electronic surveys. In the course, students will work in teams to develop and launch a survey, with the following phases: item development, item cognitive assessment, electronic survey programming, survey recruitment on Facebook (each team will have a recruitment budget), collection of survey data from online participants, and presentation of survey results. The course focus is predominantly on electronic survey provision, including web-based implementations. Other areas of emphasis include item creation, item optimization through qualitative techniques, sources of survey error, and strategies to mitigate survey error.

EPI 523 (1)

Correctional Healthcare EPI (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 530 or EPI 504 and BIOS 500, or instructor permission. Ten million persons pass through a jail or prison each year in the United States. This half-semester, seminar-style course explores the possible impact of the criminal justice system on the epidemiology of infectious diseases and on health indicators in general. The correctional setting will be used as a case study to illustrate how environment, public policy, behavior and biology all interact to determine the well-being of a population. Lessons learned from studying correctional health are applicable to understanding the determinants of health for other institutionalized populations and in other controlled settings.

EPI 530 (4)

Epidemiologic Methods I (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisite/concurrent: BIOS 500. The course introduces the basic concepts and premises of the science of epidemiology. The description of techniques for quantifying disease occurrence (or other health indicators) in the population is followed by the discussion of epidemiologic study designs and measures of associations. The concepts of random variability, bias, and effect modification are also examined. 

EPI 531 (2)

Field Epidemiology (Winter)

This course uses a series of case studies to teach the principles and practice of epidemiology, especially to solve urgent public health problems that may arise in a local health department. Cases will address descriptive epidemiology, surveillance, outbreak investigations and analytic methods. We will focus on the use of sound epidemiological judgment. EPI 535 and GH 535 are cross-listed.
EPI 532 (2)

Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Spring)

Fall. Prerequisite/concurrent: EPI 504 or EPI 530. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the current purview of sexually transmitted disease in the developing and industrialized world, and to stimulate thinking about the appropriate public health approaches to prevention and control. Cross-listed with GH 550.

EPI 533 (1)

Programming in SAS (Spring)


Spring. Required for epidemiology majors. This is an applied computer course that provides an introduction to the SAS programming environment and instructs students in the techniques needed to enter data into a database and to properly organize and edit data into a final dataset that is ready for epidemiologic analysis.

EPI 534 (2)

Statistical Programming (Fall)

This is an applied computer course that provides an introduction to the SAS and R programming environment and instructs students in the techniques needed to enter data into a database and to properly organize and edit data into a final dataset that is ready for epidemiologic analysis. Mastery of SAS and R programming techniques at the level required to proficiently organize and clean data for the epidemiology thesis project. The class will focus on database manipulation and will not cover statistical testing.

EPI 535 (2) Designing and Implementing Epidemiologic Studies

Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 530. The primary objective of this course is to gain basic knowledge and skills needed to develop and conduct studies up to the point of conducting primary data analysis.

EPI 536 (2)

Applied Data Analysis (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 504 or EPI 530, BIOS 500. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for analysis of epidemiologic data from various study designs including cross- sectional, case-control, and follow-up studies. The student will have the opportunity to apply the methods taught in the epidemiology methods sequence to actual data sets. After completion of the course, the student will be prepared to do the data analysis for their thesis. The course will use the statistical program, Stata, for all analyses and therefore some time will be spent in learning the fundamentals of Stata. We will analyze multiple data sets and apply epidemiologic and statistical methods such as exact tests for 2x2 tables, stratified analysis, logistic regression, and survival techniques appropriate for epidemiologists. The course will be applied and will emphasize the use of Stata to solve various epidemiologic problems using a wide range of data sets.

EPI 537 (2)

Epidemiology of Chronic Disease (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisite/concurrent: EPI 530. Emphasizes the distribution and determinants of chronic disease within the population. Research design and analysis are not the primary focus of the course, but methodological issues are considered when pertinent to the interpretation of findings.

EPI 538 (2)

Advanced Epidemiological Methods I (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 530, EPI 534, BIOS 500, BIOS 501 or BIOS 591P (EPI 534 and BIOS 501 may be taken concurrently with permission). Covers a wide variety of topics in epidemiological methodology. Topics include basic epidemiological measures, confounding, misclassification, selection bias, types of case-control studies, Berkson’s bias, matching, and estimation of epidemiological parameters. This course is cross-listed with EPI 738. Note: this course will be offered for the last time in Spring 2020 for MSPH students matriculating prior to Fall 2019.

EPI 540 (4)

Epidemiologic Method II (Spring)

Spring. Prerequisites EPI 530, BIOS 500, EPI 534 and BIOS 591P or BIOS 501 concurrent. ​This course develops epidemiologic concepts introduced in EPI 530: Epidemiologic Methods I, providing a more advanced discussion of issues related to causality, bias, study design, interaction, effect modification and mediation. It will also provide opportunities for the application of these examples via analysis of epidemiologic data.
EPI 541 (2)

Hospital/Healthcare Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisites/concurrent: EPI 504 or EPI 530 and BIOS 500. This course provides didactic sessions on the changing face of health care epidemiology and training in the investigation, control, and prevention of hospital-acquired infectious diseases and other hospital events by the use of appropriate epidemiologic techniques, both descriptive and analytic.
EPI 542 (1)

Tuberculosis: A Re-emerging Health Problem (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 504 or EPI 530. Provides training in the domestic and international public health aspects of tuberculosis, its epidemiology and diagnosis, the theory and practice of treatment and the means of prevention in developed and developing countries, and the interaction between HIV and tuberculosis. Cross-listed with GH 562.
EPI 543 (2)

Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology (Spring)

Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 504, or EPI 530. The goal of this course is to use cardiovascular disease epidemiology to foster the student’s ability to critically read the pertinent epidemiologic literature and synthesize research questions pertinent to the filed. The course surveys selected CVD topics to illustrate the application of epidemiologic concepts to both clinical cardiology and public health.

EPI 544 (1)

Epidemiology of Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisite/concurrent: EPI 504 or EPI 530. Covers the basic epidemiology of infectious foodborne and diarrheal diseases of the United States and the world. Uses the study of these diseases and outbreak investigations to develop broadly applicable epidemiologic skills. Explores dynamic relationship between changing global environment and human health—evolving and emerging pathogens, changes in food production and distribution, and changes in the human population.

EPI 545 (4)

Advanced Epidemiologic Methods II (Spring)

Spring. Prerequisites EPI 530, BIOS 500, EPI 534, and BIOS 591P concurrent. MSPH and PhD students only. ​This course builds on the fundamental epidemiologic concepts introduced in EPI 530: Epidemiologic Methods I. Specifically, causality, bias (including confounding, information bias, and selection bias), and concepts of interaction will be revisited in greater depth. By the end of the course, students will be able to do the following: Formulate research questions to evaluate causality; evaluate the strengths and limitations of epidemiologic studies; assess how the strengths and limitations of a study affect interpretation of study results; utilize epidemiologic methods to address confounding; identify epidemiologic methods to address selection bias and information bias; calculate measures to assess interaction.

EPI 546 (2)

HIV Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 530 and BIOS 500, or instructor permission. Explores the epidemiology of the HIV epidemic in the United States through a detailed examination of the major types of epidemiologic studies that have led to our current understanding of the epidemic. Students gain an understanding of important issues in the epidemiology of HIV in the United States, and, as importantly, increase their understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various epidemiologic study designs and the interpretation of data from such studies.
EPI 547 (2)

Public Health Applications of Molecular Epidemiology (Spring)

Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 530 and knowledge of DNA and RNA. Molecular epidemiology encompasses topics beyond the recent era of “-omics.” Biospecimens have been analyzed to evaluate exposures and health states for decades. We will discuss a range of public health applications of molecular epidemiology. For each, we will review the biospecimen and analyte, how the biospecimen is collected and analyzed, and how the results are used, or may be used, to protect or improve public health. Examples of topics we will study include (a) cholesterol & triglycerides associated with heart disease, (b) blood alcohol & breathalyzer associated with injury, (c) infectious disease surveillance, outbreaks, and response, (influenza, foodborne diseases, tuberculosis, mosquito borne diseases, hepatitis in incarcerated persons) and (d) blood lead associated with neurodevelopment.
EPI 548 (2)

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (Fall)

Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530 and BIOS 500. The course introduces the basic concepts and premises of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses of epidemiologic studies.

EPI 550 (4) Epidemiologic Methods III Epidemiologic Methods III covers concepts, methods, and application of key mathematical modeling approaches used to evaluate multivariable data from epidemiologic studies: logistic regression, Cox regression, collinearity, modeling strategy for determining a best model, goodness of fit, and ROC curves. The course also teaches a broader philosophy and approach for constructing the appropriate models for answering the question under study.
EPI 552 (2)

Human Genome Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. This introductory course will expose students to a range of topics that illustrate the use of epidemiologic methods to analyze and interpret genomic information at the population level through a combination of lectures, weekly reading assignments, and student-led case studies. At the end of the course participants should be able to identify the types of data needed to translate genetic discoveries for medicine and public health and be able to review and evaluate such data in the scientific literature.

EPI 553 (2)

Writing and Presenting Epidemiologic Research (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530, BIOS 500 and EPI 540 or EPI 545 or instructor permission. The primary objective of this course is to develop skills in planning, writing, and presenting epidemiologic information in scientific reports, journal manuscripts, scientific conference posters and oral presentations, and MPH theses or PhD dissertations.
EPI 554 (3)

Religion & Public Health
(Fall or Spring, May not be offered every year)


Fall. May not be offered every year. This course will provide graduate students with a sociologically oriented interdisciplinary survey of research on the intersection of public health and religious practices and beliefs, in individuals and populations. Religion is one factor among many others in the social environment that to some extent determines the health of populations. Religion also has a role in the organization and practice of medicine and public health, in the lives of individuals, their families and social networks, health professionals, and the institutions in which they interact. The course will emphasize evidence from quantitative social science and epidemiology, the role of religion in the historical development of public health institutions, and the theoretical social science origins of religion and health research. Under the large umbrella of religion and health research, we will be attempting to map the part of the field that is distinctively oriented to public health, rather than to medicine.
EPI 556 (2)

Applied Genomic Epidemiology (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: BIOS 500 and EPI 552 or instructor permission, Knowledge of R is preferred. Genomic epidemiology is an increasingly important approach to studying disease risks in populations. This course will introduce the basic genetic principles as they apply to the identification of genetic variations associated with disease; illustrate the population and quantitative genetic concepts that are necessary to study the relationship between genetic variation and disease variation in populations; and provide hands-on experience to address the analytical needs for conducting genomic epidemiologic research. Students will gain experience with R and PLINK using high dimensional genetic data.

EPI 558 (2)

Global Issues in Antimicrobial Resistance (Spring)


Spring. Develops tools to understand the microbiological, behavioral, and economic factors that contribute to the expanding epidemic of infectious diseases that may become untreatable due to the emergence of resistance. Provides a framework for intervention studies. Cross-listed with GH 558.
EPI 559 (2)

Advanced Designing and Implementing Epidemiologic Studies

Spring. The primary objective of this course is to gain advanced knowledge and skills in designing and implementing epidemiologic studies. The emphasis of the course is on the knowledge and skills needed to develop and conduct studies up to the point of conducting primary data analysis.

EPI 560 (4)

Epidemiologic Methods IV (Spring)


Spring. Pre-requisites: EPI 530, BIOS 500, EPI 534, EPI 545, BIOS 591P, and EPI 550. This course covers epidemiologic concepts in further depth than previous methods courses and provides an overview of advanced topic in the analysis of epidemiologic data. The course builds on the concepts and tools introduced in other Epi methods courses early in the series. This is a required course for students in the MSPH Epidemiology program, usually taken during the second year.

EPI 561 (2)


Obesity Epidemiology (Fall or Spring)


Fall or Spring. The focus of this is course is on the epidemiology of obesity, its determinants, and consequences, and population-based methods for investigating obesity. The course will entail a survey of obesity research, including: (1) the biology and physiology of adiposity; (2) behavioral, environmental, and (epi) genetic determinants of obesity; and (3) the health consequences of obesity and their underlying biologic underpinnings. Advanced methodologic concepts in the practice of research, including those related to measurement, modeling and interpretation, will be emphasized in this course.
EPI 562 (2)

Emerging Infectious Diseases


Spring. Prerequisite/concurrent: EPI 504 or EPI 530 or permission of instructor. Previous course work in microbiology strongly preferred. Examines factors that contribute to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases, and provides a framework for assessing the public health threat from infectious diseases and for recommending an appropriate response. Fundamental principles of infectious disease surveillance and epidemiology, as well as pathogenesis, are addressed. Cross-listed with GH 518.
EPI 564 (2)

Public Health Preparedness and Bioterrorism (Fall)


Fall. Acquaints students with major topics associated with natural and man-made public health emergencies, including major weather events, bioterror events, pandemic scenarios, and other chemical, biological and radiological events. Includes activities such as table top exercises and discussions of the societal, legal and ethical implications of planning for and responding to major public health emergencies. Students become knowledgeable in the planning considerations for major public health emergencies at multiple levels of public health. Cross-listed with GH 564.

EPI 565 (2)

Data Sources and Methods in MCH Epidemiology: An Introductory Course in Applied MCH Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 530 and BIOS 500. This course introduces students to data sources and methods commonly used by epidemiologists in state or provincial health departments. Data sources include: vital statistics, census, population-based surveillance, and surveys (e.g. PRAMS). Methods include record linkage, trend analysis, bias in MCH research, cluster investigation, small area analysis, and secondary data analysis. Although an introductory course, EPI 530 and BIOS 500 are prerequisites. Because students learn hands-on techniques, laboratory exercises will be used to supplement class sessions.

EPI 566 (2)

Immunization Programs and Policies (Spring)


Spring. Provides an introduction to the entire spectrum of vaccines and immunization: from basic bench research through testing, licensure, and use; program design, implementation, and evaluation; and social, economic, and political factors affecting the use of vaccines. Emphasizes the international setting, though examples are also taken from developed countries. Cross-listed with GH 566.

EPI 567 (2)

Epidemiology of Aging Populations (Spring)


Spring. This course introduces the student to the epidemiology of aging populations, including distributions of and trends in chronic disease morbidity and multimorbidity; non-disease specific issues in aging, such as functional disability and mortality. The course will focus on methods for epidemiologic research in aging population, which will be reinforced through weekly readings and group discussions of relevant literature.

EPI 568 (2)

Bias Analysis (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530 and EPI 540 or 545 or instructor permission. Observational epidemiologic studies yield estimates of effect that differ from the true effect because of random error and systematic error. Epidemiologists design studies and analyses to minimize both sources of error. When presenting results, epidemiologists use statistics to quantify the impact of random error on estimates of effect, but often only qualitatively describe residual systematic error (uncontrolled bias). Bias analysis provides one method of quantifying residual systematic error. Students in this course will learn how to use simple, multidimensional, and probabilistic bias analyses to account for systematic error in their estimates of effect. Students should expect to gain new skills, as the emphasis of the course will be on the implementation and conduct of bias analysis, rather than statistical theory.

EPI 569 (3)

Concepts and Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology



Fall. Prerequisites EPI 517, EPI 530, and EPI 540 or instructor permission. The course will provide an overview of the history, concepts and analytical methods that specifically apply to the study of infectious diseases. The course covers a range of methodological approaches and concepts for infectious disease epidemiology including natural history, household transmissions studies, concepts of dynamic modeling, sero-epidemiology vaccines and vaccine epidemiology, molecular epidemiology and pathogen strain dynamics, and emerging infectious diseases.

EPI 570 (3)

Infectious Disease Dynamics: Theories and Models (Spring)



Spring. Prerequisite: Knowledge of R via RSPH courses or independent learning prior to beginning of class is required. This course will present the conceptual theory, mathematical framework, and computational tools to conduct mechanistic modeling of infectious diseases.

EPI 584 (2)

Epidemiology of Cancer (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisite: EPI 504 or EPI 530 or permission of the instructor. The primary objective of this course is for the student to gain basic knowledge about cancer and issues and methodologies relevant to investigating cancer etiology, prevention, and control using epidemiologic methods. Secondary objectives are for the student to gain experiences in critiquing published cancer epidemiology articles and conducting a literature review and writing a summary of a topic in cancer epidemiology.

EPI 585 (2)

Advanced Topics in Cancer Epidemiology (Spring, may not be offered every year)


Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 504 or EPI 530 and EPI 584 or instructor permission. The primary objective of this course is for the student to gain comprehensive knowledge about cancer and methodologies and current issues central to cancer epidemiology. The course builds on knowledge gained in other courses (including EPI 584) and covers the biological basis of carcinogenesis and its implications for epidemiologic research, an integrated view of current issues central to cancer epidemiology, an in-depth examination of methodological issues relevant to cancer research, and integration of knowledge across cancer sites. Secondary objectives are for the student to gain experiences in critiquing published cancer epidemiology articles and writing a short proposal on a topic related to current issues in cancer epidemiology.

EPI 589 (2)

Psychosocial Epidemiology (Fall)


Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 504 or EPI 530. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease. Psychosocial Epidemiology is a growing subfield of Epidemiology that examines how psychological and social factors influence physical health and disease in human populations. Because the field of Psychosocial Epidemiology is heavily influenced by observational data, the concepts of confounding, mediation and effect modification will be emphasized throughout the course.

EPI 590R (VC)

Epidemiology Seminar (Spring)

Fall and Spring. Various topics by Epi faculty. Recent topics include: Sleep Epidemiology, Measurement in Epidemiologic Studies, Prediction Research, Epidemiology of Respiratory Infections, Concepts and Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Concepts and Applications in Spatial Epidemiology, and R Bootcamp for Epidemiology.

EPI 591L (2)

Methods in Nutritional Epidemiology (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530 or EPI 504 or instructor permission. This course is designed for students interested in studies of diet and health outcomes. The course provides an overview of methods for estimating dietary intakes. Issues related to the collections, processing, analysis and manipulation of dietary data in relation to foods dietary patterns, nutrients, and dietary supplements will also be addressed. Students will also have the opportunity to apply methods for manipulating dietary data including variation in diet, comparing methods for energy adjustment, manipulating raw data to create food grouping variables for dietary pattern analysis and calculating a dietary score.

EPI 591S (2)

Social Epidemiology (Fall, Spring)


Fall and Spring. Prerequisites: EPI 504 or EPI 530. This course will focus on the contribution of social factors to health and disease in human populations. With an emphasis on both theory and methods, seven topics of contemporary interest to public health research will be covered in depth: (1) social status; (2) race, ethnicity and racism; (3) geography/place; (4) immigration; (5) health literacy; (6) stress; and (7) social support.

EPI 594 (2)

Methods in Advanced Social Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisites: INFO 530 or INFO 532, EPI 550, and EPI 591S or BSHE 535 or instructor permission. This advanced graduate course is a blended seminar and lab format introducing students to some of the challenges of quantitative research in modern social epidemiology. With a focus on application, the course explores the intersection of social epidemiologic theory and quantitative methods for better understanding multilevel causal mechanisms, complex social selection and confounding, and the spatial patterning of exposures, covariates and health outcomes.

EPI 595R (0)

Applied Practice Experience (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Fall, Spring, Summer. An Applied Practice Experience (APE) is a unique opportunity that enables students to apply practical skills and knowledge learned through coursework to an applied professional public health setting that complements the student’s interests and career goals through a supervised field training experience in a professional public health work environment. The APE must meet Rollins guidelines and have departmental approval. In order for a student to successfully complete the APE requirement, they must have a minimum of 200 clock hours in one or more public health agencies, institutions or communities, competency attainment and 2 deliverables. In addition to registering for the course, all APE details, deliverables and approvals are required to be entered and tracked in the Rollins APE Portal.

EPI 596 (3)

Foundations in Maternal and Child Health (Spring)

Spring. This is the foundational course for the Maternal and Child Health Certificate and is limited to MCH certificate students. It covers historical and theoretical underpinnings of maternal and child health problems and programs aimed to reduce morbidity, mortality, and health disparities. Skills in program planning and evaluation are taught through multidisciplinary teams working with academic and field-based faculty in local, state, federal, and nongovernmental agencies. Maternal and child health is defined as a field of public health that addresses underlying forces for these problems, the historical framework for ameliorating those problems, and current programs and policies that have evolved from that historical context. Maternal and child health programs are unique to reproduction and life course development; more common in women, infants, children, or adolescents; more serious in women, infants, children, or adolescents; or have manifestations, risk factors, or interventions that are different in women or during life course development.

EPI 597R (1-3)

Directed Study

Provides the opportunity to pursue a specialized course of study in an area of special interest. Complements rather than replaces or substitutes for coursework.

EPI 598C (4)

MPH Capstone

Spring. This course provides an opportunity for students to apply the epidemiologic and biostatistical skills that they obtained during their coursework to real-world public health data. Students are presented a problem or research question from a public health organization along with available data that can be used to address the question(s) at hand.

EPI 598R (4)

MPH Thesis

Fall, Spring, Summer. Students prepare a monograph that embodies original research applicable to public health. This incorporates a hypothesis that has been successfully evaluated with appropriate statistical and epidemiological techniques, and is potentially publishable and has public health impact.

EPI 599R (4)

MSPH Thesis

Fall, Spring, Summer. Students prepare a monograph that embodies original research applicable to public health. This incorporates a hypothesis that has been successfully evaluated with appropriate statistical and epidemiological techniques, and is potentially publishable and has public health impact. The MSPH thesis should incorporate at least one novel or innovative element, such as a novel hypothesis or an innovation in the analytic methods applied to the given topic area.
EPI 730 (2)

Grant Writing (Spring)


Spring. PhD students only. Provides an opportunity to apply information learned in methods and substantive courses to the very practical task of gaining funding for research projects.

EPI 731 (3)

Analytical Foundations of Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. PhD students only. Designed specifically for Epidemiology PhD students to learn statistical theory in the context of epidemiologic concepts and examples. The aim of the course is for students to understand the theories that underlie the statistical techniques used in epidemiologic research, and to enhance critical thinking and integration of this material with broader epidemiologic principles.

EPI 738 (2)

Advanced Epidemiologic Methods I (Spring)


Spring. PhD Student Section. Prerequisites: EPI 530, EPI 534, BIOS 500, BIOS 501 or BIOS 591P (EPI 534 and BIOS 501 may be taken concurrently). Covers a wide variety of topics in epidemiological methodology. Topics include basic epidemiological measures, confounding, misclassification, selection bias, types of case-control studies, Berkson’s bias, matching, and estimation of epidemiological parameters. Cross-listed with EPI 538.

Note: This course will be offered for the last time in Spring 2020 for PhD students taking the qualifying exam no later than June 2020.

EPI 739 (2)

Epidemiologic Methods V (Fall)


Fall. PhD students only. Prerequisite: EPI 530, EPI 534, BIOS 500, EPI 545, EPI 550, and BIOS 510 (may be taken concurrently). Permission required. Deals with a variety of topics in quantitative epidemiological methodology. Topics include concepts of study design and the relationship to hazard rates and ratios, conditional logistic regression, polytomous logistic regression, continuation odds ratio models, and Poisson regression.

Note: This course will be offered in the Spring beginning Spring 2021.

EPI 744 (2)

Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530 and EPI 540 or 545 or permission of instructor. A survey course to review the current knowledge about various topics related to factors that affect pregnancy outcome. Introduces methodologic issues that are specific to these studies. Methodologic issues are addressed in the context of choosing study design options and evaluating current research, including choice of study populations, prevalence issues, selection issues, confounding, misclassification, and etiologic heterogeneity.

EPI 746 (2)

Reproductive Epidemiology (Spring)


Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 504 or EPI 530. Reviews the epidemiology of human reproductive function and the methodologic issues involved in studying reproduction. Topics include male and female infertility, pregnancy loss, the impact of infectious diseases on reproduction, contraceptive efficacy, unintended pregnancy, and environmental and occupational impacts on reproduction.

EPI 747/EHS 747 (2)

Advanced Environmental Epidemiology (Fall)


Fall. Prerequisites: EPI 530, EPI 540 or 545, BIOS 500, and BIOS 501 or 591P or permission of instructor. Explores design and analysis issues specific to occupational and environmental epidemiology. Case studies representative of a variety of exposures, outcomes, and study designs are used to illustrate the application of epidemiological principles to the study of exposures occurring in the workplace and in the general environment.

EPI 750 (3)

Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Epidemiological Research (Spring)

Spring. Prerequisite: EPI 530, EPI 533 or EPI 534, EPI 550 or EPI 740, and BIOS 500, BIOS 501 or 591P. Permission required. Offers methods for analyzing longitudinal data sets to evaluate epidemiological research involving relationships between exposure and disease variables.

Note: This course may not be offered in Spring 2021.

EPI 790R (1)

Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiologic Practice (Fall, Spring) 

Fall, Spring. PhD students only. Presents discussions by invited guests, faculty, and students of special topics and research findings.

EPI 791 (1) Teaching Epidemiology Fall. PhD students only. This course provides an opportunity for students to learn and apply principles and skills involved in organizing and teaching an introductory level course in epidemiologic methods. The course is designed to be taken concordantly with the student’s teaching assistantship experience. Topics include preparing lecture materials, evaluating students' learning, and diversity in the classroom (both culturally and with respect to learning styles). There will also be an opportunity for students to discuss teaching issues and challenges with their peers and the instructor, and to offer advice and solutions based on their experience. Students will also explore teaching more broadly, to include conveying important public health topics to a lay audience.
EPI 797R (1–3) Directed Study

Fall, Spring, Summer. PhD students only. Provides the opportunity to pursue a specialized course of study in an area of special interest. Complements rather than replaces or substitutes for course work.

EPI 798R Pre-candidacy Research

Fall, Spring, Summer. PhD students only. Dissertation research.

EPI 799R (VC) Research

Fall, Spring, Summer. PhD students only. Dissertation research.

Dissertation research. PhD students only.

TATTO 600 TATTO summer course (PhDs only)

TATTO 605 Teaching assistant assignment (PhDs only)

TATTO 610 Teaching associate assignment (PhDs only)

RES 999/PUBH MPH/MSPH graduate in residence Full-time status; must have completed all course hours.

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