A: Preserving students’ anonymity when they evaluate our courses and instructors is of critical importance to RSPH, both as an ethical principal and to encourage candid feedback. Two aspects of EvaluationKIT help ensure that student anonymity and confidentiality are preserved.
First, the evaluation itself appears within Canvas, a platform that we’ve come to see as very open and designed to facilitate shared public discourse. However, Canvas and EvaluationKIT are, despite appearances, two separate systems.
Canvas appears visually as the “frame” for EvaluationKIT in the same way an online storefront can “frame” a PayPal transaction window. Outside of a few tightly controlled channels of information, the two are kept segregated. In particular, no evaluation response data is ever stored within any portion of Canvas.
Secondly, your responses are stored only with a system-generated "respondent ID" within EvaluationKIT. Technically, the system must "know" who you are to ensure you're actually enrolled in a course and should be submitting an evaluation of it. Student names or other Emory-specific identifiers like netIDs or email addresses are never stored with responses under the system-generated "respondent ID.”
Only a few University data stewards have the “master keys” to connect a respondent ID to an Emory ID. No instructors, TAs, department administrators, department chairs, or even deans are allowed that level of access. Only de-identified and aggregated results are given to instructors after all grades have been submitted.
Just as you should expect a physician or therapist to protect the privacy of your health records, a central tenet of the role of University data stewards is to protect the anonymity and confidentiality of all student evaluations. Students should feel free to contact the University EvaluationKIT team at any time with questions about the evaluation process or concerns about their anonymity at rsphenrollmentservices@eval-kit.emory.edu.