
Financial Services

Emory’s Office of Student Financial Services manages all business related to student accounts. This includes billing and collection of student charges (like tuition), disbursement of financial aid, credit balance refunds, payment plans, finance charges, late fees, loan processing, EmoryCard services, cashiering, and more.

Payment for any semester is due approximately 10 days before the official start of the term. Students anticipating financial aid should log into OPUS and enable the Semester’s Scheduled Disbursements under the Emory Financial Aid link then subtract these disbursements from the total balance.

If enrolling during the late registration period or drop/add session, students’ payments are due that day. If the student’s payment is not made by the end of the drop/add session, the student’s course schedule will be cancelled. There is not a payment plan for the summer sessions.

Students will incur a late fee of $150.00 in the following situations:

  • If there is lack of payment on the account as of the first day of official registration, the first day of classes for each semester. The late fee is not based on tuition payment, but on lack of payment on the account.
  • When a student is cancelled for non-payment and then reinstated.
  • Any student who registers for the first time that semester during the drop/add period.

Refunds for first-time Emory University students who are federal (Title IV) aid recipients will be prorated in accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 and any related regulations. Students who withdraw from Rollins curriculum may qualify for a tuition refund on a semester basis. Except for first-year students, for whom the $400 deposit is not refundable, tuition refunds apply as indicated on the Student Financial Services website.

No refund is given if only a part of the work is dropped after the last day for approved course schedule changes as specified in the academic calendar.

All financial obligations to the university must be satisfied prior to graduation. In the case of outstanding loans not then due and payable, loan documents satisfactory to the university must have been executed and delivered to it and all payments must be current.

All students in the traditional or accelerated degree program plans are responsible for the total tuition of their program (semesters x semester rate). During summer semesters, the hourly rate applies when students take additional coursework above and beyond the three or four semester program plans and enroll in eight credit hours or less.

If a student extends his/her studies beyond the determined degree plan time, tuition will be charged at the prevailing individual credit rate up to nine hours. Nine or more hours will be assessed at the prevailing flat-tuition rate.

If a student changes their degree plan from MSPH to MPH or from the three-semester accelerated plan to the four-semester traditional plan, the tuition charge will be the rate of current enrollment with no accommodation for previous tuition payments.

Emory University offers the Emory Payment Plan as an alternative method for paying tuition, room, and board for fall and spring semesters. The plan allows academic expenses not covered by scholarships, loans, or other financial aid to be paid in four equal installments per term. Some specific charges are not eligible for the plan. There is also a $60 nonrefundable fee, per semester, to apply for the payment plan. This fee is applied to the second payment of the plan. Students can enroll through OPUS by selecting Enroll in Payment Plan, then Make a Payment from the Student Financial Services menu.

Rollins emergency loans up to $1,000 are available to help students through unexpected financial crises, such as illness, family job loss, car repairs, and delays in other types of funding. Emergency loans are interest free for the 60-day period.

To be eligible for an emergency loan

  1. Loan applicant must be a degree-seeking student currently enrolled in classes.
  2. Loan applicant must not have any outstanding debt due to either Rollins or Emory University
  3. Loan applicant must demonstrate financial need of an emergency nature.

Students must complete the Emergency Loan Application and bring it to the Office of Students Services. Catherine Strate or Robie Freeman-Michaux will assist in producing a promissory note (stating that the loan must be repaid in full within 60 days) which the student must sign and take to the Student Financial Services Office in room 101 of the Boisfeuillet Jones Center. The loan check will typically be available within two-to-three days of submitting the promissory note.