
Spring 2024 Final Exam and Presentation Schedule

April 30 - May 6

These are the exams that take place during the final exam week. Please consult the class syllabus for details regarding exams/presentations outside of the final exam week.

Note: This schedule is subject to change. It is the student's responsibility to check for last minute changes. The School of Public Health will keep students apprised of changes by posting the most recent schedule on this website.



ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation
1021 BSHES 530 1 3 Program Evaluation Kimbi Hagen Online
1006 BSHES 530 2 3 Program Evaluation Kimbi Hagen Online

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation
1066 BIOS 513 1 4 Statistical Inference I John Hanfelt Monday, May 6th 1:00pm - 2:50pm RRR RL20
1062 BIOS 544 2 2 Introduction to R (Non-BIOS Student) Chad Robichaux Wednesday, May 1st 5:00pm - 6:50pm RRR RL20

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation
1181 EH 530 1 2 Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology Stephanie Eick Wednesday, May 1st 3:00pm - 4:50pm RRR R200
1197 EH 573 1 2 Climate Change Communications Holly Patrick Wednesday, May 1st 5:00pm - 6:50pm RRR R345
2053 EH 587 1 2 Intro.to Satellite Remote Sensing of the Environment and its Applications in PH Qiang Pu Monday, May 6th 8:00am - 9:50pm RRR R345

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation
1093 EPI 545 1 4 Advanced Epidemiologic Methods II Penelope Howards Online

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation
2102 GH 511 1 3 Program Cycle 1: Planning and Managing Global Health Programs Deborah A McFarland Tuesday, April 30th 9:00am - 11:50am RRR R226
2103 GH 511 2 3 Program Cycle 1: Planning and Managing Global Health Programs Sheela Sinharoy Friday, May 3rd 1:00pm - 3:50pm RRR R200

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation

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ClassCourseSectionCredit HoursTitleFacultyDayTimeLocation

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CNR - Claudia Nance Rollins Building
GCR - Grace Crum Rollins Building
RRR - R. Randall Rollins Building
AA - Alperin Auditorium, 1525 Building (Grace Crum Rollins Auditorium):
This building is located directly across Clifton Road. You will be tempted to dart across the street, however, we implore you to use the crosswalk. The auditorium is located on the level just inside the main front entrance.