Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Swathi  Sekar

Doctoral Stud-Add'l Assgnmt/BW

Swathi Sekar is a PhD candidate in the Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. Swathi's reserach interests include the intersection of diabetes prevention and management and implementation science, particularly among South Asian communities both in the US and globally. 

Prior to starting the doctoral program at Emory, Swathi completed her MPH in Global Health with a focus in nutrition. She then served for a year in India on a Clinton Fellowship for Service, conducting a monitoring and evaluation project. This was followed by four years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Division of Diabetes Translation. Her long term research interests include increasing and improving multi-level interventions for diabetes prevention and management and her dissertation work is centered around the role of social support in diabetes prevention and management among south Asians. 

Contact Information

Atlanta , GA


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Diabetes
  • Global Health
  • Implementation Science


  • BA 2010, UNC Chapel Hill
  • MPH 2013, Emory University

Affiliations & Activities

Doctoral Student Advisory Board (DSAB) BSHES rep 2020-2022