Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Yuan  Liu

Assoc Professor

Research Associate Professor

Faculty, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

With an overall 15 years of in-depth collaborations in medical/cancer/public health research, Dr. Liu holds over 200 peer-reviewed publications and served as a lead biostatistician in a variety of grant proposals (e.g., R01, P01, SPORE, U54). She has a broad spectrum of experiences and expertise in cancer research, such as cancer outcome research based on national cancer registry databases, Causal inference based on observational studies, cancer risk stratification and validation, dynamic prognostic biomarker development for early cancer diagnosis, optimal treatment region, and phase I and II clinical trial design. She is determined to bridge statistical innovation to clinical research, to promote high standards in research with quality and efficiency in collaboration, and to challenge students to gain real-life skills and to be independent. She also initiated an efficient collaborative framework and analytic workflow for NCDB-related partnerships and created a sequential high-performance SAS macro for streamlined data analysis. Dr. Liu currently serves as the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core director for Emory Lung P01.

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Contact Information

Biostatistics Shared Core Resource at WCI ,

Atlanta , GA 30322

GCR 352, 1518 Clifton Rd.

Phone: (404)778-1989

Fax: (404)778-5016


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Areas of Interest

  • Biomarkers
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Clinical Trials
  • Health Outcomes
  • Longitudinal Analysis
  • Survival Analysis


  • Ph.D. 2008, University of South Carolina
  • M.S. 2004, University of North Carolina
  • B.S. 1998, National Huaqiao University

Courses Taught

  • BIOS 530: Observational Studies