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Yang  Liu

Gangarosa Distinguished Professor and Chair


Chair, Environmental Health

Dr. Yang Liu is the Chair and Gangarosa Distinguished Professor in the Gangarosa Department of Environment Health at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University. His research interests include satellite aerosol retrieval and product design, applications of satellite remote sensing in public health research, climate change and health, machine learning and spatial statistics. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Liu has led many federally funded projects to apply satellite data in air pollution exposure and health effects modeling and study the health impacts of climate change related to extreme weather, wildfires, pollen, and ambient air pollution.  He was an ORISE faculty fellow at the National Center for Environmental Health at the US CDC, a science team member of the NASA EVI-3 MAIA and Terra MISR missions, a PI member of the NASA HAQAST Team, and director of the NIH-funded Climate & Health Actionable Research and Translation Center (CHART).

For a complete list of Dr. Liu's publications, visit his ResearchGate page or Google Scholar page. His research group website on Emory ScholarBlogs can be found here.

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Contact Information

Rollins School of Public Health , 1518 Clifton Road NE

Atlanta , GA 30322

Phone: (404) 727-2131

Fax: (404) 727-8744



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Areas of Interest

  • Air Pollution
  • Climate and Health
  • Data Science
  • Remote Sensing
  • Risk Assessment
  • Spatial Analysis/GIS
  • Statistical Modeling


  • Ph.D. 2004, Harvard University
  • M.S. 1999, University of California
  • B.S. 1997, Tsinghua University


  • , , A satellite-driven model to estimate long-term particulate sulfate levels and attributable mortality burden in China, Environ Int, 171, Article No. 107740
  • , , Association of Wildfire Exposure While Recovering From Lung Cancer Surgery With Overall Survival, JAMA Oncology, , e232144
  • , , Application of geostationary satellite and high-resolution meteorology data in estimating hourly PM2.5 levels during the Camp Fire episode in California, Remote Sen Environ, 271, 112890
  • , , Field Evaluation of an Automated Pollen Sensor, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19, 6444
  • , , Low-cost nature-inspired deep learning system for PM2.5 forecast over Delhi, India, Environ Int, 166, 107373
  • , , The 2022 report of the lancet countdown on health and climate change: Health at the mercy of fossil fuels, The Lancet, 400, 1619-1654
  • , , The 17-y spatiotemporal trend of PM2.5 and its mortality burden in China, Proc Natl Acad Sci, ,
  • , , Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015, Lancet, 389, 1907-1918