Robin McGee
Asst Professor
Research Assistant Professor
Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ
Dr. McGee uses mixed-methods for research and evaluation. Her research interests focus on public mental health, mindfulness interventions, employment, career development, and emerging adulthood. For the past five years, she has worked on epilepsy self-management research through her work with Project UPLIFT, a distance-delivered, mindfulness based cognitive therapy intervention for people with epilepsy. In addition, she has led evaluation efforts for the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. Currently, Dr. McGee is the Lead Evaluator of the Research Education Programs of the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance. In the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, she teaches qualitative methods and analysis, community assessment, program evaluation, and health equity.
Contact Information
1518 Clifton Road
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: 404-727-7043
Fax: 404-727-0369
Areas of Interest
- Behavior and Health
- Evaluation
- Health Disparities
- Mental Health
- BS Psychology 2002, University of Richmond
- MPH 2006, Emory University
- PhD Behavioral Science and Health Education 2017, Emory University
Courses Taught
- BSHE 539: Qualitative Data Analysis
- BSHE 538: Qualitative Methods
- BSHES 520: Theory Driven Research
- BSHES 530: Program Evaluation
- BSHES 595: Applied Practice Experience
Affiliations & Activities
MEW Network
- Escoffery, C., McGee, R.E., Bidwell, J., Sims, J., Thropp, E.K., Frazier, C., & Mynatt, E.D. , 2018, A review of mobile apps for epilepsy self-management., Epilepsy & Behavior, 81, 62-69
- Garcia-Williams, A. G. & McGee, R.E. , 2016, Responding to a suicidal friend of family member: A qualitative study of college students. , Death Studies, 40, 80-87
- Walker, E.R., McGee, R.E., Druss, B.D., 2015, Mortality in mental disorders and global disease burden implications: a systematic review and meta-analysis., JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 334-41
- McGee, R.E. & Thompson, N.J. , 2015, The relationship between unemployment and depression among young adults., Preventing Chronic Disease, ,
- Compton, M.T., Esterberg, M.L., McGee, R., Kotwicki, R.J., & Oliva, J.R. , 2006, Crisis intervention team training for law enforcement officers: Changes in knowledge, attitudes, and stigma relating to schizophrenia. , Psychiatric Services, 57, 1199-1202