Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Richard  Hertzberg

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct or Visiting, Environmental Health

My research has focused on developing quantitative dose-response methods for regulatory risk assessment of health impacts of chemical mixtures.  Important achievements include developing a modified interaction-based Hazard Index for mixture risk assessment, and a dose-severity approach for noncancer dose-response modeling, both have been implemented by US EPA. Related interests include toxic interactions of environmental chemicals with environmental conditions such as those from climate change: heat and wildfire smoke. 

1980-2006 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Assessment. Led research program on health risk assessment of chemical mixtures. Details with EPA Homeland Security Research Center, and with EPA Region 9 in San Francisco. Two silver medals and four bronze medals for mixture risk assessment methods and cumulative risk assessment guidance. Distinguished Achievement Medal in environmental statistics, American Statistical Association
2006- present  Private consultant and owner of Biomathematics Consulting, Adjunct Professor at Emory University
2012-2015  Special Term Employee, Argonne National Laboratory


Ph.D., University of Washington, Biomathematics
B.S., Harvey Mudd College, Mathematics

Contact Information




Phone: 404-291-0087


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Areas of Interest

  • Biostatistics
  • Environmental Health
  • Modeling
  • Risk Assessment
  • Toxicology

Affiliations & Activities

Society for Risk Analysis, Dose-Response Specialty Group

Publications and Social Media