Dr. Reynaldo Martorell is the Robert W. Woodruff Professor of International Nutrition (Emeritus) at the Hubert Department of Global Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA (USA). He was born in Honduras and is the first in his family to attend university. He is a citizen of the United States. After obtaining his PhD in Human Biology from the University of Washington in Seattle, he has devoted his career to nutrition and public health. His research interests include maternal and child nutrition, child growth and development, micronutrient malnutrition, the emergence of obesity in developing countries and program design and evaluation. In recognition of his scientific contributions, the Lancet published a note entitled “Reynaldo Martorell: driving force in maternal and child nutrition (Volume 382, August, 2013). Previous research in China included assessing the long-term impact of the 1959-61 Chinese famine and investigating the role of micronutrient deficiencies in child development . Current projects are in Guatemala, Mexico, Vietnam, and India. He began his career as a scientist at the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and was on the faculty at Stanford and Cornell universities. He serves on the Executive Management Team, Food Fortification Initiative; the Board of Trustees, Helen Keller International; Steering Committee, Double Salt (DFS) Fortification Consultation of the Global Iodine Network, and is Chair of INCAP’s External Advisory Committee, among other appointments. His honors include election to the USA National Academy of Medicine, election to the Spanish Academy of Nutrition, election to the American Epidemiological Society, Fellow of the American Society for Nutrition and the Internatioal Union of Nutritional Sciences, the Gopalan Oration and Gold Medal Award from the Nutrition Society of India, the International Nutrition Prize of the American Society for Nutrition, the Carlos Slim Award for Lifetime Achievements in Research on Health, an Award for contributions to Fighting Hunger and Malnutrition from the President of Honduras, the Raymond Pearl Award from the Human Biology Association and three awards from Emory University (The Fifth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, the Thomas Sellers Award and Marion V. Creekmore Award for Internationalization), among others . He is committed to service to the profession, particularly concerning the translation of research to policies and programs; to this end, he has served on numerous committees of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, The Wellcome Trust, the Institute of Medicine, NIH, The World Bank and several UN agencies (WHO, PAHO, FAO, WFP, UNICEF) and governments.
Full list of professional Positions: Scientist, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) (1972-77), PAHO/WHO, Guatemala; Associate Professor, Food Research Institute, Stanford University (1977-87); Visiting Associate Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University (1983-84); Professor of Nutrition, Food Research Institute, Stanford University (1987-91); Leading Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University (1991-93); Chair, Hubert Department of Global Health, The Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University (1997-2009) ; Senior Advisor, Global Health Institute, Emory University (2009-Present); Fulbright Senior Scholar, Mahidol University, Thailand (2005); Visiting Professor, University of Granada, Spain (2014).
Contact Information
3676 Kite street,
San Diego , CA 92103
Phone: 4046429821
Email: rmart77@emory.edu
URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vhXPe28AAAAJ
Areas of Interest
- Evaluation
- Global Health
- Maternal and Child Health
- Nutrition
- PhD 1973, University of Washington
Affiliations & Activities
* Member, National Academy of Medicine
* Executive Mangement Team, Flour Fortification Initiative
* Editorial Board: Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Salud Publica de Mexico, Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion