Regine Haardoerfer
Research Professor
Research Associate Professor
Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ
As a research methodologist, I have extensive experience in the analysis of social science data, including analysis of longitudinal, dyadic, and nested data. My research interest is developing and applying advanced and innovative methodological approaches to advance behavioral sciences in public health.
Since joining Emory in 2010, I have been the lead statisticion for the Emory Prevention Research Center. In this capacity, have collaborated in two large research teams and led data analysis for four randomized controlled trials assessing effecacy and effectivenss of both the Healthy Homes/Healthy Families intervention and the Smoke-Free Homes program. Furthermore, I am leading data analysis for a USDA funded R01 that investigates longitudinal patterns (collecting 6 waves of data) of poly-tobacco use in college students. Most recently, I have been collaborating on a clustered randomized control trial of pedicatric cancer centers on patient survivor care visit attendance.
My previous experience in teaching math and physics in secondary schools has been helpful in teaching advanced applied statistica methods. I am currently teaching Advanced Statistical Methods in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSHE 728), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (BSHE 730), and Structural Equation Modeling 732). I have also been tasked with elevating the methods training for both the MPH and PhD program in BSHE and have been integral in advancing both curricula and course work.
Beyond Emory, I am engaged in capacity building through workshops of advanced applied statistics in South Africa and Brazil and collaborating with researchers who have limited access to expert knowledge in these areas. Additionally, I have served as the inaugural Associate Editor for Statistics for Health Education and Behavior since 2015.
Contact Information
1518 Clifton Road NE - GCR #536
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: 404-727-3341
Fax: 404-727-1369
Areas of Interest
- Behavior and Health
- Community Based Research
- Modeling
- Obesity Prevention
- Rural Health
- Smoking Prevention/Cessation
- Statistical Modeling
- Tobacco Control and Prevention
- PhD 2010, Georgia State University
- MEd 2006, Western Governors University
- MS 1999, State of Bavaria, Germany
- BS 1997, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Courses Taught
- BSHE 728: Adv.Statist.Mthd.Beha.Soc.Scie
- BSHE 730: Hierarchical Linear Modeling
- Haardörfer, R. , 2019, Taking quantitative data analysis out of the positivist era: Calling for theory-driven data-informed analysis, Health Education & Behavior, ,
- Haardörfer, R., Kreuter, M., Berg, C.J., Escoffery, C., Bundy, L.T., Hovell, M.F., Mullen, P., Williams, R., Kegler, M. , 2018, Impact of creating a smoke-free home on smokers. , Health Education Research., ,
- Kegler, M.C., Haardörfer, R., Alcantara, I., Gazmararian, J., Veluswamy, JK, Hodge, T., Addison, A., Hotz, J., 2016, Healthy Homes/Healthy Families: A randomized controlled trial to prevent weight gain by improving home food and activity environments. , American journal of public health, ,
- Haardörfer, R., Berg, C., Lewis, M., Payne, J., Pillai, D., McDonald, B., Windle, M. , 2016, Polytobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use patterns in college students: A latent class analysis., Addictive Behavior, ,
- Haardörfer, R., Alcantara, I., Addison, A., Glanz, K., & Kegler, M.C., 2016, The impact of home, work, and church environments on fat intake over time among rural residents: A longitudinal observational study. , BMC Public Health., ,
- Kegler, M., Bundy, L., Haardörfer, R., Escoffery, C., Berg, C., Yembra, D., Kreuter, M., Hovell, M., Williams, R., Mullen, P., Ribisl, K., & Burnham, D. , 2015, A minimal intervention to promote smoke-free homes among 2-1-1 callers: A randomized controlled trial. , American journal of public health, ,
- Haardörfer, R., Alcantara, I.C., Patil, D., Hotz, J., Kegler, M.C. , 2014, Physical Activity Profiles of Overweight and Obese Women in Rural Georgia, JAMA Internal Medicine, 174,
- Honeycutt, S., Green R., Ballard, D., Hermstad, A., Bruder, A., Haardörfer, R., Yam, J., Arriola, K.J. , 2013, Evaluation of a Patient Navigation Program to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening in Rural Georgia, Cancer, ,
- Gao, J. , Zheng, P. , Haardörfer, R., Kegler, M.C., Wang, J., Zhu, Y., Hu, H, 2013, Self-care, self-efficacy, social support and glycemic control in adults with Type 2 diabetes, BMC Family Practice, ,