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Max Lau
Asst Professor of Biostatistics
Assistant Professor
Faculty, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Secondary Appointment, Epidemiology
Contact Information
Phone: 404-727-2352
Areas of Interest
- Artificial Intelligence
- Infectious Disease Dynamics
- Machine Learning
Courses Taught
- INFO 534: Applied Machine Learning
- DATA 534: Applied Machine Learning
- Max SY Lau et al., 2022, Comparing and linking machine learning and semi-mechanistic models for the predictability of endemic measles dynamics, PLos Comp. Biology, ,
- Lau, M.S.Y., Becker, A.D., Korevaar, H.M. et al., 2020, A competing-risks model explains hierarchical spatial coupling of measles epidemics en route to national elimination, Nature Ecology and Evolution, ,
- Max S. Y. Lau et al., 2020, Characterizing superspreading events and age-specific infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Georgia, USA , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ,
- Kiesha Prem, Max SY Lau, Clarence C Tam, Marc ZJ Ho, Lee-Ching Ng, Alex R Cook, 2019, Inferring who-infected-whom-where in the 2016 Zika outbreak in Singapore—a spatio-temporal model, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, ,
- Max SY Lau, Bryan T Grenfell, Colin J Worby, Gavin J Gibson, 2019, Model diagnostics and refinement for phylodynamic models, PLoS computational biology, ,
- Max SY Lau, Bryan T Grenfell, 2019, Vaccination under uncertainty, Nature ecology & evolution, ,
- Benjamin D Dalziel, Max SY Lau, Amanda Tiffany, Amanda McClelland, Jon Zelner, Jessica R Bliss, Bryan T Grenfell, 2018, Unreported cases in the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic: Spatiotemporal variation, and implications for estimating transmission, PLoS neglected tropical diseases, ,
- Max SY Lau, Gavin J Gibson, Hola Adrakey, Amanda McClelland, Steven Riley, Jon Zelner, George Streftaris, Sebastian Funk, Jessica Metcalf, Benjamin D Dalziel, Bryan T Grenfell, 2017, A mechanistic spatio-temporal framework for modelling individual-to-individual transmission—With an application to the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola outbreak, PLoS computational biology, ,
- Max SY Lau, Benjamin Douglas Dalziel, Sebastian Funk, Amanda McClelland, Amanda Tiffany, Steven Riley, C Jessica E Metcalf, Bryan T Grenfell, 2017, Spatial and temporal dynamics of superspreading events in the 2014–2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ,
- Max SY Lau, Glenn Marion, George Streftaris, Gavin Gibson, 2015, A systematic Bayesian integration of epidemiological and genetic data, PLoS computational biology, ,
- Max SY Lau, Benjamin J Cowling, Alex R Cook, Steven Riley, 2015, Inferring influenza dynamics and control in households, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ,
- Elson HY Lam, Benjamin J Cowling, Alex R Cook, Jessica YT Wong, Max SY Lau, Hiroshi Nishiura, 2011, The feasibility of age-specific travel restrictions during influenza pandemics, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, ,
- Benjamin J Cowling, Max SY Lau, Lai-Ming Ho, Shuk-Kwan Chuang, Thomas Tsang, Shao-Haei Liu, Pak-Yin Leung, Su-Vui Lo, Eric HY Lau, 2010, The effective reproduction number of pandemic influenza: prospective estimation, Epidemiology, ,