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Julie Gazmararian
Faculty, Epidemiology
Secondary Appointment, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ
Secondary Appointment, Health Policy and Management
Contact Information
Phone: (404) 712-8539
Fax: (404) 727-8737
Areas of Interest
- Exercise Science/ Physical Activity
- Health Disparities
- Health Literacy
- Maternal and Child Health
- Nutrition
- Obesity Prevention
- BBA 1983, University of Michigan
- MPH 1985, University of South Carolina
- PhD 1992, University of Michigan
Courses Taught
- EPI 511: Soc.Determinants of Health Sem
- EPI 598C: Capstone
- Gazmararian JA, Kripalani S, Miller MJ, Echt KV, Ren J, Rask K. , 2006, The Relationship between Health Literacy and Cardiovascular Disease Medication Adherence. , Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21, 1215-1221
- Gazmararian JA, Curran J, Parker R, Bernhardt JM, DuBuono B, 2005, Public health literacy in America: An ethical imperative. , American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28, 317-322
- Baker DW, Gazmararian JA, Williams MV, Scott T, Parker RM, Green D, Ren J, Peel J. , 2002, Functional Health Literacy and the Risk of Hospital Admission Among Medicare Managed Care Enrollees, American Journal of Public Health, 92, 1278-1283
- Gazmararian JA, Oster N, Green DC, Schuessler L, Howell K, Krovisky MB, Davis J, Warburton W. , 2002, Vaccine Storage Practices in Primary Care Physician Offices: Assessment and Intervention, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23, 246-253
- Gazmararian JA, Baker DW, Parker RM, Blazer DG. , 2000, A Multivariate Analysis of Factors Associated with Depression: Evaluating the Role of Health Literacy as a Potential Contributor. , Archives of Internal Medicine, 160, 3307-3315
- Gazmararian JA, Petersen R, Jamieson DJ, Schild L, Adams MM, Deshpande AD, Franks AL., 2000, Hospitalizations During Pregnancy Among Managed Care Enrollees, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 100, 94-100
- Gazmararian JA, Baker DW, Williams MV, Parker RM, Scott TL, Green DC, Fehrenbach SN, Ren J, Koplan JP. , 1999, Health Literacy Among Medicare Enrollees in a Managed Care Organization. , JAMA, 281, 545-551
- Gazmararian JA, Schwarz K, Arrington T, Bailey C, Koplan JP. , 1999, Prenatal Care for Low-Income Women Enrolled in a Managed Care Organization., Obstetrics and Gynecology, 94, 177-184