Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Glenden  Maberly

Emeritus Professor

Professor Emeritus, Global Health

Dr Glen Maberly is a Senior Staff Specialist Endocrinologist at Blacktown and Mt Druitt Hospitals, Program Lead for the Western Sydney Diabetes Prevention and Management Initiative, Integrated Care, Western Sydney Local Health District. Western Sydney Local Health District encompasses the local government areas of Auburn, Parramatta, Holroyd, Blacktown and Hills District and covers one million people living in the western part of Sydney.

He was the Founding Chair of the Hubert Global Health Department, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University and currently is Professor Emeritus.

His career has focused on fostering public-private-civic partnerships and bring public health evidence based research findings to large scale implementation. He was the founding coordinator of the Iodine Network, the Flour Fortification Initiative and Rice Fortification Network working with the UN organisations, Global Public Health organisations and agro business to reduce the global burden of vitamin and mineral deficiency in over 120 countries around the world. This is adding billions of IQ points, reducing infant mortality by at least 10% in the developing nations and preventing millions of birth defects each year.

Currently he is the driving force behind the Western Sydney Diabetes Prevention and Management Initiative. The district is a diabetes “hot-spot” and the initiative takes a broad approach including primary prevention through urban design, active transport, healthy food supply, social inclusion, high risk screening and coaching, enhanced management of diabetes in primary care and more integration of services with hospitals.


Contact Information

19 Ingleby Street

Oatlands , 2117

Phone: +61451991553


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Addiction/Substance Abuse


  • MB BS 1976, UNSW
  • BSc(Med) 1974, UNSW
  • MD 1982, UNSW
  • FRACP 1982, Australian College

Affiliations & Activities

Publications and Social Media