Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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David  Kleinbaum

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Professor

Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology

Prior to joining the faculty at Rollins in 1993, Dr. Kleinbaum was a faculty member for 23 years at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.  He is the author of seven textbooks in epidemiology and biostatistical methods.    This includes ActivEpi, an interactive introductory epidemiology textbook on CD-Rom that has been translated into Spanish. Dr. Kleinbaum has taught more than 220 short courses worldwide.  The recipient of many honors for teaching, in 2005 he received the first Association of Schools of Public Health/Pfizer Award for Teaching Excellence. He has served as a consultant to CDC’s Division of Health Quality Promotion for the past 7 years and has provided other consultation services to CDC for over 20 years.

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Contact Information

1291 Oxford Road NE

Atlanta , GA 30306

Phone: (404) 922-1641

Fax: (404) 727-8737



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  • AB 1962, Hamilton College
  • AM 1964, University of Rochester
  • PhD 1970, University of North Carolina

Affiliations & Activities

ActivEpi Electronic Textbook

Publications and Social Media