Dr. Cam Escoffery is a Professor of Behavioral, Social and Health Education Sciences at the Rollins School of Public Health. Dr. Escoffery is a health educator and behavioral scientist by training. She has a PhD in Health Promotion and Behavior with an emphasis in Instructional Technology. She has conducted research for over 29 years on health promotion, cancer prevention and control, health technology, implementation science and evaluation. Her current research aims to translate evidence-based interventions related to cancer control and self-management into practice. She is the PI on a hybrid I effectiveness-implementation trial to evaluate the use of Cancer SurvivorLink on return for follow-up cancer care among pediatric cancer survivors, MPI of the Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Network and the Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN). She has served as PI on grants funded by the National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Cancer Society and Healthcare Georgia Foundation. She has over 200 publications and has published widely on various topics in health promotion, dissemination and implementation science, and cancer control research. Currently, she is on the Editorial Board of several leading journals for health promotion including Health Promotion Practice, Health Education & Behavior, and American Journal of Health Behavior. Her implementation science work has been published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Implementation Science, Translational Behavioral Medicine, BMC Health Services Research, Implementation Science Communications, and Evaluation and Program Planning. She has authored or co-authored 7 book chapters related to health promotion or implementation science.
She enjoys teaching community-engaged and health promotion skills-oriented courses and building capacity around implementation research in the school. Dr. Escoffery has been the President of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). She also has co edited two editions of the Companion Guide to the Certified Health Education Specialist book, the official study guide for credentialing of health educators at the national level.
Research Projects (PI/MPI):
2023-2028 Building Capacity of Health Systems to Deliver Evidence-based Self-Management Programs for Epilepsy (CDC)
2024-2027 Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Coordinating Center (CDC), Website: MEW Network (managingepilepsywell.org)
2019-2029 Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN), Website: CPCRN
2018-2024 SurvivorLink: Scalability of an Electronic Personal Health Record for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers at Pediatric Cancer Centers, (National Cancer Institute Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health R01) https://www.cancersurvivorlink.org/
2018-2019 Evaluating Education Tools to Support Pediatric Cancer Survivor Care, National Cancer Institute (Supplement)
2016-2024 Evaluation of the CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP)
2017-2018 Qualtiative Study of the 80% by 2018 Initative/National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT), American Cancer Society
Recent textbook chapters:
Practical Implementation Science: Moving Evidence into Action Practical Implementation Science | Springer Publishing
Health Promotion Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation | Hopkins Press
Contact Information
Rollins School of Public Health , 1518 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta , GA
Phone: (404) 727-4701
Fax: (404)727-1369
Email: cescoff@emory.edu
Areas of Interest
- Adolescent Health/Child Health
- Behavior and Health
- Cancer Prevention
- Evaluation
- Health Education
- Implementation Science
- Ph.D. 2002, University of Georgia
- M.P.H. 1995, Emory University
- B.S. 1992, Emory University
Affiliations & Activities
American Public Health Association
Society for Public Health Education
Georgia Society for Public Health Education
American Evaluation Association
Society for Behavioral Medicine
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cam_Escoffery
NCBI Bibliography: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/1NIah8k8JVyAk/bibliography/48111174/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending