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Amit  Shah

Associate Professor

Faculty, Epidemiology

Amit Shah, MD, MSCR is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology with a secondary appointment in Medicine (Cardiology). He is the director of cardiac rehabilitation at the Atlanta VA Healthcare system.

Although much of his research focuses on understanding the cardiovascular pathophysiology of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, he has a variety of other interests and projects, including: ECG signal processing, cardiac physiology, arrhythmia risk, population-level risk prediction, mobile health technologies, vascular biology, genetics, and risk prediction. In addition to collaborating with several Emory investigators on cohorts including the Emory Twins Study, Mental Stress Ischemia Studies, and Emory Cardiovascular Biobank, he also conducts research using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Amit Shah joined the faculty in 2013, and is the recipient of the KL2 scholarship offered by the Atlanta Clinical and Translational Science Institute, as well as the grants from the American Heart Assoiation and National Institutes of Health. He is also board-certified in cardiology, echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology. 

Link to Google Scholar profile with up-to-date publication list. 

Link to Pubmed publications list.

Contact Information

1518 Clifton Road

Atlanta , GA 30322

Room 4045



Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Behavior and Health
  • Bioinformatics
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Health Outcomes
  • Imaging
  • Information Technology
  • Statistical Modeling


  • BA, Physics 2002, Princeton University
  • MD 2006, University of Pennsylvania
  • MSCR 2011, Emory University
  • Social Internal Medicine 2009, Albert Einstein (Montefiore)
  • Cardiology, Clinical Investigator Track 2013, Emory University

Courses Taught

  • EPI 798R: Pre-candidacy Research
  • EPI 543: CVD Epidemiology

Affiliations & Activities

American Heart Association, Council on Epidemiology and Lifestyle

American Psychosomatic Society

KL2 Scholars Program

MSCR Thesis Committee

Early Career (Medicine) and Mentory (Epidemiology) Committees

Publications and Social Media