Heather Amato - MPH, 2016
Position: Data Analyst, Tracking California
Heather Amato - MPH, 2016

Heather is a Data Analyst for Tracking California, a Public Health Institute program situated within the California Department of Public Health Environmental Health Investigations Branch. Tracking California is primarily funded by the CDC's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program. The program aims to make environmental and health data publicly available through a web-based data query system, online data displays, and innovative web tools and services such as the Pesticide Mapping Tool and the Water Boundary Tool.
Tracking California frequently collaborates with community-based organizations to identify disparities in exposures to environmental hazards and health outcomes. As a data analyst, Heather processes, manages, and analyzes diverse environmental and health data sets for the online data query and data displays, as well as for specific data requests and research projects. She also contributes to the development of web content and research proposals.
"I use several of the skills I acquired at Rollins on a daily basis at my job," she says. "That includes geospatial analysis and mapping, statistical analysis in SAS, and the application of epidemiological research methods."
Below is a list of key examples of her program's work in California and nationwide:
* Community air monitoring
* Pesticides near schools
* Lead testing vs. lead poisoning
* Costs of preterm birth attributable to PM 2.5