Understanding Trauma-Informed Teaching
Trauma-informed teaching develops an instructor’s understanding of how trauma impacts both learning and behavior. In reviewing trauma-informed teaching practices, instructors can reflect on what learner behavior may be signaling and improve their own responses in order to support learners who may be experiencing trauma. Trauma can slow or completely stop a learner's ability to learn. When people experience threats to their well-being, it affects the brain regions specialized in avoiding danger. Ultimately, these threats shift energy away from the brain regions that help people learn. When learners are experiencing or have experienced trauma, there is more possibility they will be distracted or take more time to complete tasks. They also may be more emotional or irritable, more likely to fall behind in the course, and potentially exhibit behavior issues.
The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence at Emory University has resources for instructors on trauma-informed teaching here. They include articles, podcasts, websites focusing on trauma-informed pedagogy, and videos from multiple instructors and researchers.
One recent CFDE presentation for faculty, graduate students, and staff, by Dean’s Teaching Fellow Elena Lesley discusses how educators can use a “trauma-informed” lens when approaching their classrooms and students in difficult times. Trauma-informed teaching strategies have emerged from the shift in public health to trauma-informed care and emphasize creating academic environments that minimize the risk for students of retraumatization, vicarious trauma, and new trauma exposure.
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy from CFDE
Trauma-informed Teaching Strategies
From Mays Imad, The Neuroscience of Now
Harper, G.W., and Neubauer, L.C. (2021).Teaching During a Pandemic: A Model for trauma-informed education and administration. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 7(1), 14-24. https://doi:10.1177/2373379920965596
Mcdaniel, R. (2020, July 28). Trauma-Informed Teaching During COVID-19. Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching.