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- MPH 2018, Emory University
- BS 2013, Butler University
- Kelsey C Coy, Jean Y Ko, Steven J Ondersma, Kathryn Gilstad-Hayden, Lauren B Zapata, Grace Chang, Kimberly Yonkers, 2022, Association of Prepregnancy Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders with Pregnancy Timing and Intention, Journal of Women's Health, 31, 1630-1638
- Avi J Hakim, Kelsey Coy, Angelyne Amos, Barne Willie, Steven G Badman, Rebecca Narokobi, Josephine Gabuzzi, Simon Pekon, Martha Kupul, Parker Hou, Herick Aeno, Ruthy Neo Boli, Joshua Nembari, Sophie Ase, Damian Weikum, Nick Dala, Steven Callens, John M Kaldor, Andrew J Vallely, Angela Kelly-Hanku, Kauntim mi tu Study Team, 2021, Gaps in HIV testing and treatment among female sex workers in Lae and Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, AIDS and Behavior, 25, 1573-1582
- Kelsey C Coy, Sarah C Haight, Erica Anstey, Althea M Grant, Nan Ruffo, Jean Y Ko, 2021, Postpartum marijuana use, perceptions of safety, and breastfeeding initiation and duration: an analysis of PRAMS data from seven states, 2017, Journal of Human Lactation, 37, 803-812
- Brenda L Bauman, Jean Y Ko, Shanna Cox, Denise V D’angelo, Lee Warner, Suzanne Folger, Heather D Tevendale, Kelsey C Coy, Leslie Harrison, Wanda D Barfield, 2020, [HTML] from nih.gov Vital signs: postpartum depressive symptoms and provider discussions about perinatal depression—United States, 2018, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 575
- Jean Y Ko, Kelsey C Coy, Sarah C Haight, Tamara M Haegerich, Letitia Williams, Shanna Cox, Rashid Njai, Althea M Grant, 2020, Characteristics of marijuana use during pregnancy—eight states, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system, 2017, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 1058
- Avi J Hakim, Kelsey Coy, Steven G Badman, Barne Willie, Rebecca Narokobi, Josephine Gabuzzi, Simon Pekon, Martha Kupul, Parker Hou, Herick Aeno, Ruthy Neo Boli, Joshua Nembari, Sophie Ase, Angelyne Amos, Nick Dala, Damian Weikum, Steven Callens, John M Kaldor, Andrew J Vallely, Angela Kelly-Hanku, Kauntim mi tu Study Team, 2019, One size does not fit all: HIV prevalence and correlates of risk for men who have sex with men, transgender women in multiple cities in Papua New Guinea, BMC Public Health, 19, 1-13
- Kelsey C Coy, Ronald J Hazen, Heather S Kirkham, Ambrose Delpino, Aaron J Siegler, 2019, Persistence on HIV preexposure prophylaxis medication over a 2?year period among a national sample of 7148 PrEP users, United States, 2015 to 2017, Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, e25252
- Avi J Hakim, Kelsey Coy, Padmaja Patnaik, Nouhoum Telly, Tako Ballo, Bouyagui Traore, Seydou Doumbia, Maria Lahuerta, 2018, An urgent need for HIV testing among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Bamako, Mali: Low awareness of HIV infection and viral suppression among those living with HIV, PLoS One, 13, e0207363