Caroline Kokubun is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences. She is currently working under the mentorship of Dr. Jessica Sales on projects related to the implementation of trauma-informed care and violence screenings in Ryan White primary care settings in the Southeastern U.S., and is interested in assessing the acceptability and feasibility of implementing peer-delivered mental health and psychosocial support services and interventions for people living with HIV/AIDS that have histories of violence-related trauma.
Prior to her doctoral studies, Caroline obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Health & Societies (concentration: Health Policy & Law) from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012 and Master of Public Health in Global Health (concentration: Community Health & Development) with a Certificate in Mental Health from Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health in 2017. She has also designed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated programs and interventions for the United States Peace Corps (Zambia), Partners In Health (Mexico), The Carter Center (Liberia), Global Dialogues (Nicaragua), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.).
2015-2017 Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Scholarship Award
2017-2018 CDC Evaluation Fellowship
2018-2019 ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship
Areas of Interest
- Community Health & Development
- Evaluation
- Global Health
- Health Policy
- Health Services Research
- Implementation Science
- Mental Health
- Program Management
- Bachelor of Arts 2012, University of Pennsylvania
- Master of Public Health 2017, Emory University
Affiliations & Activities
Secretary, Emory Mental Health Alliance (2016)
Secretary, Health Organization for Latin America (2016)
Secretary, Self-Directed Violence Prevention Workgroup, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018-2019)
Secretary, Public Health Committee, The American Association of Suicidology (2019-2020)
- Kokubun, C.W., Anderson, K.M., Manders, O.C., Kalokhe, A.S., & Sales, J.M., 2024, Providing Trauma-Informed Care During a Pandemic: How Health Care Workers at Ryan White-Funded Clinics in the Southeastern United States Responded to COVID-19 and Its Effects on Their Well-Being, Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care , 23,
- Piper, K.N., Anderson, K.M., Manders, O.C., Kokubun, C.W., Kalokhe, A.S., & Sales, J.M., 2023, Scaling-Up Trauma-Informed Care in an HIV Clinical Network: Factors that Facilitate Implementation, Global Implementation Research and Applications, ,
- Piper, K.N., Anderson, K.M., Kokubun, C.W., Sheth, A.N., & Sales, J., 2023, Using qualitative comparative analysis to understand the conditions that produce successful PrEP implementation in family planning clinics, Implementation Science Communications, 4, DOI: 10.1186/s43058-023-00450-2
- Titanji, B.K., Tejani, M., Farber, E.W., Mehta, C.C., Pace, T.W., Meagley, K., Gavegnano, C., Harrison, T., Kokubun, C.W., Negi, S.D., Schinazi, R.F., & Marconi, V.C., 2022, Cognitively-Based Compassion Training for HIV Immune Non-responders - An Attention-Placebo Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 89, 340-348
- Carmichael, A., Kennedy, K.S., Kokubun, C.W., Brown, M.M., Welder, L.E., & Stone, D.M., 2022, The State of State, Territorial, and Tribal Suicide Prevention: Findings from Reviews of Suicide Prevention Plans, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2, 1-31
- Sales, J.M., Anderson, K.M., & Kokubun, C.W., 2021, Application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Facilitate Violence Screening in HIV Care Settings: A Review of the Literature, Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 18, 309-327
- Mercado, M.C., Stone, D.M., Kokubun, C.W., Trudeau, A.R.T., Gaylor, E., Holland, K.M., & Bartholow, B.N., 2021, Inconsistencies in overdose suicide death investigation practice and potential remedies using technology: A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consultation meeting summary, Academic Forensic Pathology, 11, 83-93