Your investment in research at Rollins enables our world-class scientists, professors, thought leaders and students to address and tackle the most pressing public health challenges of today. Our researchers provide teaching and training opportunities that inspire students and catalyze a collaborative, creative environment for impacting public health on a local, national, and global level.
Through continued excellence in our research, our practice, and our multifaceted educational opportunities, Rollins has established itself as a research powerhouse and is helping to transform the landscape of public health. Your generosity is helping us to impact the world’s major health problems and accelerate our research to address some of greatest public health challenges of today and tomorrow. To read about the most recent research from our faculty, visit the Rollins News Center.
To learn more about supporting research at Rollins, please contact Kathryn Graves, senior associate dean for advancement and alumni engagement at (404) 727-3352, kgraves@emory.edu , or Sarah Bartlett, lead director of foundation and corporate relations at (404) 712-8687, sarah.bartlett@emory.edu.