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Zachary McCann
Post Doctoral Fellow
Post Doctoral Fellow, Environmental Health

Postions and Awards:
- Deviant Behavior
- Sociology of Mental Health
- Minority Health
UAB Cannabidiol Program Research Assocaite
- Conducted patient interviews and gathered social determinants of health data for patients with epilepsy enrolled in UAB Cannabidiol clinical trial
- Data entry in Redcap EDC software
- Conducted preliminary and descriptive analysis on longitudinal datasets
CCTS Predoctoral TL-1 Fellow
- Institutional training award through the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Areas of Interest
- Climate and Health
- Environmental Health
- Exposure Assessment
- Health Disparities
- Social Determinants of Health
- Social Epidemiology
- Spatial Analysis/GIS
- MPA 2017, The University of Alabama
- PhD 2021, The Uinversity of Alabama - Birmingham