Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Yun  Hang

Post Doctoral Fellow


Post Doctoral Fellow, Environmental Health

Dr. Yun Hang is broadly interested in the intersection of climate change, air quality, and human health. She completed her PhD training in Environment and Resources with an MS degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and a Graduate Certificate in Energy Analysis and Policy. She has been sponsored by NASA for over 8 years on using satellite remote sensing to study Earth's energy budget, air pollution, and environmental justice. Currently, she is working on applying remote sensing techniques, machine learning algorithms, and low-cost sensors in environmental exposure modeling (i.e., PM2.5 constituents, extreme heat, wildfire). Her project team has been selected by the NASA Applied Sciences Equity and Environmental Justice program to test the feasibility of using satellite data to support underserved communities in Atlanta. She is a partner of Emory Climate and Health Research Incubator, a member of the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team, and a contributor to the Lancet Countdown.


Research Website



2022 NASA ROSES Equity and Environmental Justice Grant (Role: Sole PI)

2022 Emory Staff Fest 3K Run Competition Winner (3rd Place), Emory University

2021 Emory OSI Sustainability and Social Justice Incentives Fund (Role: Sole PI)

2020 PhD Thesis Award, Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy

2019 Student Research Grants Competition Award (1st Level), University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)

2019 Graduate Student Travel Award, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UW

2019 Professional Development Award, Energy Analysis and Policy Program, UW

2019 Student Travel Award, Energy Analysis and Policy Program, UW

2018 Selected and awarded for training in Sustainable Climate Risk Management at PSU, NSF

2017-19 3-Year tuition and stipends awarded by NASA CloudSat and CALIPSO Science Team 

2016 Selected and awarded for training in Satellite Observations and Climate Models at Caltech/JPL, NASA

2016 Featured by the TV show "Weather Geeks" as “Future Geek”, The Weather Channel

2016 Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences Best Student Presentation Award (1st Place), UW

2016 Reid Bryson Scholarship for Excellent Research, UW

2014-16 3-Year tuition and stipends awarded by NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS)



2021- 23 Emory EH 586 (graduate-level): Advanced Seminar in Climate Change and Health (Co-Instructor)

2020 UW ENVIR ST 956 (graduate-level): Advanced Environmental Remote Sensing (Co-Instructor)

2019 UW AOS 101 (undergraduate-level): Climate and Weather Lab (Instructor)

2019 UW AOS 100 (undergraduate-level): Climate and Weather (Teaching Assistant)

2019 UW AOS 102 (undergraduate-level): Climate and Climate Change (Teaching Assistant)

Contact Information

1518 Clifton Road NE

Atlanta , GA 30322


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Air Pollution
  • Climate and Health
  • Exposure Assessment
  • Health Disparities
  • Machine Learning
  • Remote Sensing


  • Ph.D. 2020, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Affiliations & Activities


Co-Chair, American Geophysical Union GeoHealth Early Career Committee

Member, Emory University DEI Institutional Strategic Planning Committee



Rollins Magazine featured our work on environmental justice in its Cover Story 

Publications and Social Media