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Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Richard  Saltman

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Professor

Faculty, Health Policy and Management

Dr Saltman's research focuses on the structure and behavior of European health care systems. He has written extensively about numerous production side-topics including reforms in primary health care and in hospital organizations—particularly in tax-funded health systems in Northern Europe. He has also edited volumes on decentralization and on social health insurance systems in Europe. Current projects include the relationship between stability and stasis in hospital organization, the impact of slower economic growth for national health policymaking, the changing role of solidarity, and the expanding role of patient responsibility as part of co-production of health services.

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Rollins School of Public Health , 1518 Clifton Road NE

, GA


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  • BA 1969, Dartmouth College
  • MA 1971, Stanford University
  • PhD 1980, Stanford University

Affiliations & Activities

Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, Emory University, 1995-2010

Co-Founder; Research Director 1998-2016, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels

Co-Founder; Co-director 2011-2016, Swedish Forum on Health Policy, Stockholm