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Muin  Khoury

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct or Visiting, Epidemiology

Adjunct or Visiting, Environmental Health

Dr. Khoury is the founding Director of the Office of Public Health Genomics at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Khoury received his B.S. degree in Biology/Chemistry and medical degree and Pediatrics training from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. He received a Ph.D. in Human Genetics/Genetic Epidemiology and training in Medical Genetics from Johns Hopkins University. 

Dr. Khoury has published in the fields of genetic epidemiology and public health genomics.  Link to publications in pubmed   khoury mj - Search Results - PubMed (

Selected publications

Khoury MJ, Beaty TH, Cohen BH. Fundamentals of Genetic Epidemiology.  Published by Oxford University Press, New York 1993.

Khoury MJ, Burke W, Thomson E (eds). Genetics and Public Health in the 21st Century: Using Genetic Information to Improve Health and Prevent Disease. Oxford University Press 2000.

Khoury MJ, Little J, Burke W (eds). Human genome epidemiology: A scientific foundation for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease. Oxford University Press 2004

Khoury MJ, Bedrosian S, Gwinn M, Little J, Higgins J, Ioannidis JP (eds). Human Genome Epidemiology (2nd edition): Building the evidence base for using human genomic information to improve health and prevent disease. Oxford University Press, New York, New York 2010.

Beaty TH, Khoury MJ. The interface of genetics and epidemiology. Epidemiol Reviews 2000;2:120-125.

Austin MA, Peyser PA, Khoury MJ. The interface of genetics and public health: research and educational challenges. Annu Rev Publ Health 2000;21:81-99.

Khoury MJ, Bowen S, Bradley LA, Coates R, Dowling NF, Gwinn M, Kolor K, Moore CA, St. Pierre J, Valdez R, Yoon PW. A decade of public health genomics in the United States: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997-2007.  Publ Health Genom 2009;12:92-104.

Khoury MJ, Gwinn M, Clyne M, Yu W. Genetic epidemiology with a capital E: ten years after. Genet Epidemiol 2011;35:845-852.

McBride CM, Bowen MS, Schully SD, Khoury MJ. Introduction to the 4th national conference on genomics and public health. Publ Health Gen 2012;15: 117.

Zimmern RL, Khoury MJ. The impact of genomics on public health practice: the case for change. Publ Health Genom 2012;15: 118-124.

Khoury MJ, Gwinn M, Bowen MS, Dotson WD. Beyond base pairs to bedside: a population perspective on how genomics can improve health. Am J Publ Health 2012 Jan;102(1):34-7

Khoury MJ, Ioannidis JP. Medicine. Big data meets public health. Science. 2014 Nov 28;

Khoury MJ, Evans JP.  A public health perspective on a national precision medicine cohort: balancing long-term knowledge generation with early health benefit. JAMA 2015;Jun; 313(21): 2117-532.

Khoury MJ, Lam TK, Ioannidis JP, et al. Transforming epidemiology for 21st century medicine and public health. Cancer Epidemiol Biom Prev 2013;22(4):508-516

Khoury MJ.  Planning for the Future of Epidemiology in the Era of Big Data and Precision Medicine. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Dec 15;182(12):977-9.

Khoury MJ, Iademarco MF, Riley WT. Precision Public Health for the Era of Precision Medicine. Am J Prev Med. 2016 Mar;50(3):398-401

Chambers DA, Feero WG, Khoury MJ. Convergence of Implementation Science, Precision Medicine, and the Learning Health Care System: A New Model for Biomedical Research. JAMA. 2016 May 10;315(18):1941-2.

Khoury MJ, Galea S.  Will Precision Medicine Improve Population Health? JAMA. 2016 Oct 4;316(13):1357-1358

Khoury MJ. No Shortcuts on the Long Road to Evidence-Based Genomic Medicine. JAMA. 2017 Jul 4;318(1):27-28.

Khoury MJ, Bowen MS, Clyne M, Dotson WD, Gwinn ML, Green RF, Kolor K, Rodriguez JL, Wulf A, Yu W. From public health genomics to precision public health: a 20-year journey. Genet Med. 2018 Jun;20(6):574-582. doi: 10.1038/gim.2017.211.

Khoury MJ, Armstrong GL, Bunnell RE, Cyril J, Iademarco MF. The intersection of genomics and big data with public health: Opportunities for precision public health. PLoS Med. 2020 Oct 29;17(10):e1003373

Rasmussen SA, Khoury MJ, del Rio C. Precision Public Health as a Key Tool in the COVID-19 ResponseJAMA. August 12, 2020.

Khoury MJ, Dotson WD. From Genes to Public Health: Are we Ready for DNA-based Population Screening? Genetics in Medicine 2021; Mar 31. doi: 10.1038/s41436-021-01141-w.

Khoury MJ, Holt K, The impact of genomics on precision public health: Beyond the pandemic. Genome Medicine 2021; Apr 23;13(1):67. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00886-y.

Khoury MJ, Bowen S, Dotson WD, Drzymalla E, Green RF, Goldstein R, Kolor K, Liburd LC, Sperling LS, Bunnell R. Health equity in the implementation of genomics and precision medicine: A public health imperativeGenetics in Medicine 2022 Apr 28; S1098-3600(22)00726-2.

Areas of Interest

  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic Epidemiology
  • Genomics
  • Health Services Research
  • Public Health Practice

Publications and Social Media