Michael Kutner
Rollins Professor
Faculty, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

2018 Recipient of American Statistical Association (ASA) Mentoring Award
2018 Recipient of Georgia Chapter, ASA, Lifetime Achievement Award
2011 Recipient of W.J. Dixon Award for Excellence in Satistical Consulting
2011 Recipient of the Charles Hatcher, Jr.,M.D. Award for Lifetime
Excellence in Public Health
2009 Recipient of Mu Sigma Rho Award Statistical Education Award
2006 Recipient of Georgia Chapter, ASA, Distinguished Service Award
2006-07 Elected Vice-President, Southern Regional Council of Statistics (SRCOS)
2008-09 Elected President of SRCOS
2002 Recipient of the Paul Minton Award for Dedicated Service to the Profession
1997 Innaugural Inductee into the "Academy of Distinguished Graduates,"
College of Science, Texas A&M University
1996 Recipient of Founders Award, American Statistical Associatio
1984 Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association
1984 Recipient of H.O. Hartley Award , Texas A & M University
Contact Information
1518 Clifton Road NE ,
Atlanta , GA 30322-4201
Mailstop: 1518-002-3AA
Phone: (404)712-9708
Fax: (404)727-1370
Email: mkutner@emory.edu
Areas of Interest
- Clinical Trials
- Epidemiology
- Statistical Modeling
- PhD 1971, Texas A & M University
- M.S. 1962, VPI & State University
Affiliations & Activities
2004- Endowed Rollins Professor of Biostatistics, Emory School of Public Health
2002-2009 Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory School of Public Health
1994-1999 Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemilogy, Cleveland Clinic
1990-1993 Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Emory School of Public Health