Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Joshua  Jeong

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Faculty, Global Health

Joshua Jeong is a developmental scientist whose work examines how parent-child relationships and the psychosocial wellbeing of families more broadly contribute to early child development in low-resource settings. Specifically, he studies how fathers influence young children's development through male caregivers' roles as parents and partners. He applies his expertise in mixed-methods, intervention research, and implementation science to develop, evaluate, redesign, and disseminate father-inclusive parenting interventions. Currently, he is the principal investigator of three cluster randomized controlled trials that are assessing the implementation and effectiveness of different community-based parenting intervention strategies for promoting early child development in Tanzania and Kenya. He is a recipient of the Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship. He collaborates with multidisciplinary researchers and in partnership with NGOs, governments, and multisectoral agencies to generate evidence that can inform scalable early child development programs and policies.

Contact Information

1516 Clifton Road NE

Atlanta , GA 30322

R. Randall Rollins Building, Room 622



Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Evaluation
  • Human Development and Family Sciences
  • Implementation Science
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Mental Health


  • ScD 2018, Global Health and Population, Harvard University
  • ScM 2015, Global Health and Population, Harvard University
  • BS 2013, Human Development, Cornell University

Courses Taught

  • GH 512: Program Cycle 2: Monitor/Eval.

Affiliations & Activities

  • Affiliate Editor, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 

Publications and Social Media