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Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Dabney  Evans

Associate Professor

Faculty, Global Health

Secondary Appointment, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ

Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH is an exceptional public health leader, serving as an Associate Professor of Global Health in the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Dr. Evans received her Master of Public Health degree in 1998 from Emory University and her doctoral degree in law from the University of Aberdeen (UK) in 2011. Her research is focused on gender, health and human rights including current projects on: care coordination for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) (Atlanta, Ga); domestic homicide fatality review (Georgia)  the development of an online safety decision aid for IPV survivors (Brazil); and femicide perpetration (global). She is a member of the scientific advisory group for The Lancet Commission on Gender-Based Violence and the Maltreatment of Young People.

As one of the first faculty to include health and human rights in the public health curriculum, Dr. Evans is an established teacher and trainer. Since 2010, her teaching and training activities have touched over 19,000 learners from 171 countries; she is responsible for the training of one in every ten employees at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Dr. Evans was the instructor of the first English language massive open online course on Ebola Virus Disease and a Coursera on Health in Humanitarian Emergencies. She was the instructor of the “University Course” on Global Security and Leadership in a Complex World.  She has mentored over fifty Master’s theses.  She served as Co-Director of Graduate Studies for the Hubert Department of Global Health between 2016-2021.  

An editor of the text, Rights-Based Approaches to Health, Dr. Evans has advanced human rights discourse across a range of public health issues.  Dr. Evans has published over eighty book chapters, scholarly articles and commissioned works; she has made over 200 peer-reviewed and invited presentations.  Her public scholarship has appeared in the Pacific Standard, the Atlanta Journal ConstitutionMs. Magazine and The Hill, where she is a regular contributor; in 2015 she presented a TEDx talk.  She is on several editorial boards.   

She is architect and Director of the Center for Humanitarian Emergencies in the Rollins School of Public Health and the Emory University Institute of Human Rights —both focus on capacity building.  Between 2017-2019 she served as Interim director for the Emory University Institute of Developing Nations.  Dr. Evans is a member of the Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society, Omicron Delta Kappa National Service Honor Society, past-president of the Georgia Federation of Professional Health Educators, and past chair of the Human Rights Forum of the American Public Health Association. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the Crystal Apple for excellence in professional school education (2015), the Unsung Heroine Award (2016), the American Public Health Association Mid-Career Award in International Health (2017), the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health Early Career Teaching Award (2018) and the Hubert Department of Public Health Research Award (2021). She is a Board member of the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence and former Board member of MEDICC and Feminist Women's Health Center.  She is fluent in Portuguese.  

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Contact Information

1518 Clifton Rd , Claudia Nance Rollins Building, Room 6053

Atlanta , GA 30322


Phone: (404) 727-3061

Fax: 404-727-1835



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Areas of Interest

  • Behavior and Health
  • Community Based Research
  • Community Health & Development
  • Evaluation
  • Global Health
  • Health Law
  • Health Policy
  • Injury & Violence Prevention
  • Public Health Practice
  • Public Health Preparedness and Response
  • Reproductive Health
  • Sexual Health/Behavior
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Women’s Health


  • BA 1996, Arizona State Unviersity
  • MPH 1998, Emory Unviersity
  • PhD 2011, University of Aberdeen (UK)

Courses Taught

  • GH 508: Health & Human Rights Seminar
  • GH 526: Interdisc. Persp. Human Rights