Christine Moe
Faculty, Global Health
Secondary Appointment, Environmental Health
Secondary Appointment, Epidemiology
Contact Information
Suite 6050, Claudia Nance Rollins
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: (404) 727-9257
Fax: (404) 727-4590
Areas of Interest
- Global Health
- Infectious Disease
- Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- PhD 1989, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- MS 1984, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- BA 1979, Swarthmore College
Courses Taught
- GH 529: Water & Sanitation in Dev Coun
- GH 580: Ctrl.of Food/Waterbrne Disease
Affiliations & Activities
Christine Moe is the Eugene J. Gangarosa Professor of Safe Water and Sanitation and the Director of the Center for Global Safe Water at Emory University. Her primary appointment is in the Hubert Department of Global Health at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University, and she holds joint appointments in the Department of Environmental Health and the Department of Epidemiology. She received her Bachelor’s degree in biology from Swarthmore College and her MS and Ph.D. from the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at the UNC School of Public Health. She was a post-doctoral fellow in the Division of Viral Diseases at the CDC, and later returned to UNC-Chapel Hill as an assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology. She moved to Emory University in 2000.
Dr. Moe’s research focuses primarily on the environmental transmission of infectious agents – particularly foodborne and waterborne disease. She works on international water, sanitation and health issues and has conducted research in the Philippines, El Salvador, Bolivia, Honduras, Ghana, Rwanda, India, Cambodia, Uganda, and Kenya. Her laboratory research program focuses on noroviruses and includes human challenge studies to examine dose response and determinants of host susceptibility and resistance, studies of viral persistence in the environment, methods to concentrate and detect enteric viruses in water and wastewater and evaluations of the efficacy of disinfectants and handwash agents against noroviruses. Her field research includes studies of dry sanitation systems, assessing determinants of water quality in distribution systems.
- Kirby, AE, Y Kienast, W Zhu, J Barton, E Anderson, M Sizemore, J Vinje, CL Moe , 2020, Norovirus Seroprevalence among Adults in the United States: Analysis of NHANES Serum Specimens from 1999–2000 and 2003–2004., Viruses, 12 , doi:10.3390/v12020179
- Raj SJ, Y Wang, H Yakubu, K Robb, C Siesel, J Green, A Kirby, W Mairinger, J Michiel, C Null, E Perez, K Roguski, CL Moe, 2020, The SaniPath Exposure Assessment Tool: A quantitative approach for assessing exposure to fecal contamination through multiple pathways in low resource urban settlements. , PLoS ONE , 15,
- Robb, K, C Null, P Teunis, H Yakubu, G Armah, CL Moe, 2017, Assessment of fecal exposure pathways in low-income urban neighborhoods: Rationale, design, methods and key findings of the SaniPath Study. , Am J Trop Med Hyg. , 97, 1022-1034
- Torrance, K., 2013, Wise Water, Public Health Magazine, ,
- Liu, P, O Herzegh, M Fernandez, S Hooper, W Shu, J Montes, R Porter, N Spivey and CL Moe, 2013, One-year Monitoring and Molecular Detection of Human Adenoviruses in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Georgia, USA, J Appl Microbiol., 115, 310-318
- Moe, 2011, Gates grant funds study of health risks from poor sanitation, , ,
- Teunis, PFM, CL Moe, P Liu, S Miller, L Lindesmith, RS Baric, J LePendu and RL Calderon, 2008, Norwalk virus: How infectious is it? , J Med Virol , 80, 1468-76
- Christine Moe, 2007, A watershed moment, , ,
- Christine Moe, 2006, Generating rewards for safe water, , ,
- Johnson, LM and L-A Jaykus, D Moll, MC Martinez, J Anciso, B Mora and CL Moe, 2006, A field study of the microbiological quality of fresh produce of domestic and imported origin, Int J Food Micro, 112, 83-95
- Moe CL and RD Rheingans, 2006, Global Challenges in Water, Sanitation and Health, J Water and Health, 4 (Suppl 1), 41-58
- Corrales L, R Izurieta and CL Moe, 2006, The association between intestinal parasitic infections and type of sanitation system in rural El Salvador, Trop Med Int Health, 11, 1-11
- Lindesmith, L., Moe, C., Marionneau, S., Ruvoen, N., Jiang, X., Lindblad, J., Steward, P., LePendu, J., & Baric, R., 2003, Human susceptibility and resistance to Norwalk virus infection, Nature Medicine, 9(5), 548-553
- Moe, C.L., Christmas, W.A., Echols, L., Rhodes, D., & Miller, S., 2001, Outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis associated with Norwalk-like viruses in campus settings, Journal of American College Health, 50(2) , 57-66