Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Briana  Woods-Jaeger

Assoc Professor

Associate Professor

Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ

Dr. Woods-Jaeger’s research focuses on partnering with communities to reduce and eliminate health disparities associated with stress and trauma.  Using a social-ecological framework and community-based participatory research approach her research has examined how social, cultural, and structural factors influence mental health and health risk behaviors among children and adolescents exposed to trauma and chronic stress; and the development and implementation of trauma-informed, strengths-based interventions to reduce health disparities.  Dr. Woods-Jaeger uses mixed methods to design, implement, and evaluate culturally-relevant health care, school and community-based interventions to prevent and treat health disparities associated with stress and trauma. Please visit her research group's website by clicking here.


Dr. Woods-Jaeger received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Washington and completed her post-doctoral training at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health as a Kellogg Health Scholar.

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Contact Information

1518 Clifton Road

Atlanta , GA 30322


Phone: 404-727-8295

Fax: 404-727-0369


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Areas of Interest

  • Health Disparities
  • Injury & Violence Prevention
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Mental Health


  • BA Psychology 2002, Duke University
  • MS Child Clinical Psychology 2006, University of Washington
  • PhD Child Clinical Psychology 2010, University of Washington

Courses Taught

  • BSHES 557: Racism PH Issu.Promo.Hlth.Eqty

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