Avnika Amin
Post Doctoral Fellow
Post Doctoral Fellow, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Post Doctoral Fellow, Epidemiology

I am a vaccine epidemiologist who has worked across all stages of vaccine development and roll-out: pre-clinical testing, clinical trials, post-licensure evaluation, and vaccine uptake. I have specific experience with infectious disease surveillance data; vaccine monitoring and evaluation; analysis of clinical trials, interventions, and observational vaccine studies; and quantitative data collection.
I research the dynamics between vaccines and infectious disease epidemiology, focusing on how such dynamics may change or bias vaccine effects from clinical trials and observational studies. I specifically work on identifying potential issues for vaccine studies and developing analytic improvements to identify and address such impacts. The long-term goal of this work is to identify subtle but key priorities for data collection in vaccine studies. My recent work includes methodologic issues affecting variation in observed rotavirus vaccine effects and COVID-19 surveillance to monitor vaccine impacts on a national level and identify early signals of changes in vaccine effects.
Contact Information
1518 Clifton Rd
Atlanta , GA
Email: AAMIN23@emory.edu
URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NvHBNN8AAAAJ&hl=en
Areas of Interest
- Clinical Trials
- Disease Surveillance
- Epidemiology
- Global Health
- Infectious Disease
- Vaccines
- PhD 2021, Emory University
- MSPH 2017, Emory University