Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Amita  Manatunga


Faculty, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics


I joined Emory University in 1994 as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, after three years of working as Assistant Professor in the Division of Biostatistics, Indiana University.  I was promoted to full professor with tenure in 2004 at Emory. My methodological research interests include multivariate survival data, and assessing agreement, especially as applied in biomedical studies. Currently I have become deeply involved in reproductive/environmental epidemiology and interpretation of renal images in nuclear medicine studies.  In addition, I am involved in studies of mental health, particularly identification and treatment of depression. For more details, see Selected Research Projects below.


Since coming to Emory, I work as the primary biostatistician at the NIH- funded Emory University General Clinical Research Center (GCRC). I have become involved in collaborative research in clinical studies including mental health, cardiology and kidney diseases. Early in my carrer, I  extensively collaborated with researchers in the design and analysis of longitudinal studies in hypertension.


At Emory I have taught courses in Introduction to Biostatistics to MPH students and a variety of PHD graduate level courses, including Theory of Linear Models, Statistical Inference, Survival Analysis and Longitudinal Data. I have been involved in the education of medical residents and fellows at Emory, and directed short courses in biostatistics specially designed for physicians. I am also involved in the Executive Committee of the Masters of Clinical Research program (MSCR) and teach a course in Overview of High Dimensional Data Analysis to MSCR students.


I am a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. I have served on several committees of the ENAR, International Biometrics Society and over the years I have also served on numerous NIH Study Sections.


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Contact Information

Rollins School of Public Health , 1518 Clifton Road NE

, GA

Phone: (404) 727-1309

Fax: (404) 727-1370


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Areas of Interest

  • Biostatistics
  • Mental Health
  • Reproductive Health
  • Statistical Modeling
  • Survival Analysis


  • PhD, Statistics 1990, University of Rochester, New York
  • MA, Statistics 1986, Univeristy of Rochester, New York
  • MSc, Statistics 1984, Purdue Univeristy, Indiana
  • BSc, First Class Honors 1978, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Courses Taught

  • BIOS 707: Advanced Linear Models