Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Aaron  Siegler

Associate Professor

Faculty, Epidemiology

Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ

There are many promising opportunities in infectious disease prevention given shifts in technology and biomedical approaches to prevention. To optimize the effectiveness of infectious disease prevention efforts, it is necessary to create tailored strategies that integrate biomedical advances, epidemiological exploration, and behavioral science. My research explores the intersection of the biomedical and social realms, with a focus on disparities in healthcare access. I currently serve as Co-Director of the Emory CFAR Prevention and Implementation Sciences Core. My current interests include characterizing the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States through home testing (COVIDVu), optimal approaches for scaling up provision of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis including telemedicine, novel interventions to increase the use of prevention goods, geospatial analyses to better understand access to healthcare, and exploring novel combination infectious disease prevention strategies.

Below is a sample of some of the projects I am currently leading: 

COVIDVu: Population-based survey of SARS-CoV-2 infection and immune response (3R01AI143875-02S1; contact PI, MPI Sullivan)

This study will assess the prevalence and incidence of COVID-19 among randomly selected households in the United States, targeting participation of over 7,000 households each provided with home-based specimen collection materials for PCR and antibody testing. The study includes development of a website to disseminate study findings ( and mathematical modeling to leverage epidemiological study data.

Making it last: A randomized, controlled trial of a home care system to promote persistence in PrEP care (R01MH114692; contact PI, MPI Mayer)

This study is a clinical trial to determine whether a home care system for HIV PrEP, compared to standard of care in-person visits, will have higher levels of maintenance in PrEP care at one-year follow-up.

ePrEP: Testing an electronic PrEP initiation and maintenance home care system (R01-equivalent, NIH ATN159; contact PI, MPI Mena)

This multisite clinical trial assesses whether providing telemedicine PrEP to MSM in rural areas from centralized facilities through an app-based platform leads to improved uptake and maintenance in care relative to standard of care referral. This grant is part of the NIH Adolescent Medicine Trials Network, a network NIH uses to fund HIV trials research.

Integrating a combination HIV prevention intervention into a widely-used geosocial app for Chinese MSM (R01AI143875; contact PI, MPI Sullivan)

This study includes a literature review, mathematical modeling, and development of an HIV prevention package for Chinese MSM that will be incorporated into an existing geosocial networking app (Blued) and pilot tested in two cities.

Improving PrEP Access: the PrEP Locator (MAC AIDS Fund, PI)

This project seeks to build a national database of providers of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as an open-source resource, accessible via API, to allow patients to locate PrEP providers and allow researchers to identify gaps in PrEP service availability.

A study to improve the fit of HIV prevention methods (Project Lead, Co-I)

This Phase II SBIR supports a cross-over randomized trial to assess fitted condom performance, including clinical outcomes of breakage, slippage, and pleasure. 

For a current list of my publications, please visit PubMed:

View Resume

Contact Information

1518 Clifton Road, NE Suite 468

Atlanta , GA 30322

Phone: 404-712-9733

Fax: 404-727-8737


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Behavior and Health
  • Disease Surveillance
  • Health Disparities
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention
  • Infectious Disease
  • Statistical Modeling


  • PhD 2012, Emory University
  • MHS 2005, Johns Hopkins University
  • BA 2002, Emory University

Courses Taught

  • EPI 535: Design & Implement EPI Studies

Publications and Social Media