
MCH Hogue/Hargraves Practicum Award


The Hogue/Hargraves MCH Internship is named for Drs. Carol J. Rowland Hogue and Martha H. Hargraves whose bi-racial partnership spanning more than three decades revealed racial/ethnic disparities in women’s and children’s health and influencedhealth policy development aimed at eliminating those health disparities. Beginning at the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and continuing throughout Dr. Hogue’s tenure as the first Terry Professor of MCH at Emory, the two developed and tested frameworks to understand the embodiment of racism in reproductive health and its consequences for both mothers and their offspring.1 Their collaboration inspired applied research, not only in Dr. Hogue’s home Reproductive Health Division at CDC and home RSPH Department of Epidemiology, but also across CDC and Emory’s Health Sciences Center.2

The Hogue/Hargraves MCH Internship will help fund an Applied Practice Experience (APE) in Maternal and Child Health. The APE must be housed in a domestic agency or organization and be focused on applied work aimed at reducing racial/ethnic disparities among women, infants, or children. Preference for this internship will be given to current MCH Certificate students.

“An Applied Practice Experience (APE) is a unique opportunity that enables students to apply practical skills and knowledge learned through coursework to a professional public health setting that complements the student’s interests and career goals. The APE must be supervised by a Field Supervisor and requires approval from an APE Advisor designated by the student’s academic department at RSPH. To successfully fulfill the APE requirement, students must a) complete a minimum of 200 clock hours in one or two public health agencies, institutions or communities; b) meet student-selected MPH foundational competencies and concentration competencies; c) produce at least 2 deliverables that benefit the APE agency; d) enter and track all APE-related information, deliverables and required approvals in the RSPH APE Portal; and e) registration in the student’s Department 595 course (i.e. BSHE 595, BIOS 595, etc.) is required in the student’s final semester of enrollment. Prior to the start of a student’s APE, the student must receive departmental approval from the designated APE Advisor in their department.”3

If you have any questions or if you need more information, Contact Dr. Sarah Blake.

Award Timeline

The 2025 MCH Hogue-Hargraves Financial Award Application will open: on Friday, February 14th

Event/Activity Date
Applications Open Fri. Feb 14
Applications Due Mon. April 7
Dr. Blake will review applications Tue. April 8 - Fri. Apr 14
Prepare decision letters to applicants Mon. Apr 14
Send yes/no decision letters to applicants Tue. Apr 15
Financial Award paid to students 9-11 weeks from receipt of all award acceptance documents


1 Hogue CJR and Hargraves MAH. Class, race and infant mortality in the United States. Commentary, AJPH 1993;83:9-12 PMID: 8417615
Hogue CJR and Hargraves, MA. Preterm Birth in the African-American Community. Seminars in Perinatology 1995; 19(40):255-262. PMID: 8560290.
Hogue CJR, Hargraves MA, and Collins KS, eds: Minority Health in America: findings and policy implications from The Commonwealth Fund Minority Health Survey. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press 2000.

2 Examples include: “Racial Differences in Preterm Delivery: Developing a New Research Paradigm,” CDC-sponsored conference, proceedings in AJPM 1993;9(6):Suppl.
“POWER Lunches to Increase Nutrition Efficacy among African American Women Employees Enrolled in the Grady PRISE Physical Fitness Project,” USDA, 2006-2008.
“Biobehavioral Determinants of the Microbiome and Preterm Births in Black Women” (PIs Anne Dunlop and Elizabeth Corwin) SON, SPH, SOM, NINR R01NR014800.
“Effect of School-Based Health Centers on Reducing Students' Health Disparities” (PIs Veda Johnson and Carol Hogue) SOM, UHI, SPH, NIMHD R01MD008966.
3 https://www.sph.emory.edu/rollins-life/community-engaged-learning/ape/index.html Accessed July 24, 2020.