Learn More About Our Major Research Findings

PBB Levels in the Registry 40 years after the contamination incident
60% of Michiganders recently tested have PBB levels that are higher than those of 95% of the general U.S. populationLearn More >>

PBB Exposure and Thyroid Function
More thyroid problems were found among those exposed to higher levels of PBB, and differences in thyroid hormones were associated with PBB exposure levels in childhood.Learn More >>

PBB Effects on Gene Regulation
PBB exposure alters the regulation of genes that control immune function and endocrine function. These modifications have the potential to cause health effects for the children and grandchildren of those exposed.Learn More >>

Health Effects of PBB Exposure
PBB exposure has been associated with a variety of health outcomes. The health effects vary depending on biological sex as well as whether an individual was directly exposed or indirectly exposed (exposed from parent).Learn More >>