Network Leadership

Regina Shih
Professor of Epidemiology, Emory Rollins School of Public Health and Health Policy Partner, RAND Corporation
Regina Shih (she/her) is an epidemiologist who research focuses on people with dementia and their family and formal caregivers. She is leading an NIMHD-funded project (R01MD010360) to evaluate racial/ethnic and rural/urban disparities in access to home- and community-based services, and she co-leads an evaluation of the CDC BOLD Public Health Center of Excellence-Dementia Caregiving. Her recent work includes examining social networks of older adults and their family caregivers, evaluating the New York State Medicaid Redesign of Section 1115 waivers, understanding unmet needs for Title III B/C services, assessing the quality of Medicaid-sponsored home- and community-based services for older adults in California, and evaluating a shelter program for elder abuse. She serves as an advisory board member of the National Alliance for Caregiving.

Katherine Sun
Research Project Coordinator, Emory Rollins School of Public Health
Katherine Sun (she/her) graduated from the Rollins School of Public Health with a Master of Public Health in Health Policy & Management and certificate in Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Her interests are in social determinants of health and equity related to healthcare policy and access.
Research, Data, and Mentorship Team

Andrew Dick
Senior Economist, RAND Corporation
Andrew Dick is a senior economist who studies the development of methods and empirical applications of risk-adjustment models for quality assessment, comparative effectiveness research, and cost estimation, all with a focus on applied econometric methods for drawing causal inference.

Esther Friedman
Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Esther Friedman is a research associate professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, where she also serves as associate director of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and external innovative networks director of the Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA). Her research broadly focuses on the role of family caregiving and long-term care for the health and wellbeing of older adults, particularly those with dementia. Her current work examines trends in long-term care availability, the impact of long-term care policies on health disparities, and the social networks of older adults and their caregivers.

Jordan Harrison
Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation
Jordan Harrison is a health services researcher whose interests center around the health care workforce, aging, and long-term care. She currently leads a study funded by the National Institute on Aging to evaluate the impact of managed long-term care programs on setting of care for older adults with dementia (R21AG069787). Her recent work includes an issue brief on approaches to assessing the quality of Medicaid-sponsored home- and community-based services for older adults in California.

Teague Ruder
Senior Research Programmer, RAND Corporation
Teague Ruder (he/him) works extensively with survey and administrative data on a diverse set of projects focused on Military Health, Medicare, and Medicaid. Recent project include examining the impact of Medicaid reforms in New York State, describing patterns of post-operative care during Medicare global periods, analyzing trends in DoD disability ratings, and evaluating virtual behavioral health in the military.

Flora Sheng
Statistical Analyst, RAND Corporation
Flora Sheng is a health and public policy researcher. She has worked with a wide range of datasets to analyze administrative and claims data from Medicare and Medicaid. Her research focuses on access, delivery, and quality of healthcare services among vulnerable populations, including but not limited to people facing opioid use or other mental health disorders, disabilities, and economic disadvantages.

Daniel Siconolfi
Behavioral and Social Scientist, RAND Corporation
Dan Siconolfi (he/him) is a behavioral scientist. His research portfolio addresses behavioral health, healthy aging, and access to home and community-based services. Focal populations include sexual and gender minority persons, older adults, persons living with or affected by HIV, and persons with dementia. He has mentored undergraduate- and graduate-level researchers across a range of disciplines and research areas.
Student Team
Claire Hamilton
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Emory University
Claire Hamilton is a third-year undergraduate student at Emory University majoring in Human Health & Economics. She is interested in health economics, health policy, and epidemiology.

Yunjeong Choi
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Emory University
Yunjeong (Joy) Choi is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Emory University majoring in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology & Sociology. She is interested in health policy, healthcare management, and global health, specifically the intersection of Medicaid and dementia.
Carmen Baker
Graduate Research Assistant, Emory Rollins School of Public Health
Carmen Baker is a first year MPH candidate in the Epidemiology department. He is interested in social determinants of health along with chronic disease.
Funding Support
We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Our project is guided and overseen by:

Priscilla Novak
Project Scientist, NIA
Priscilla Novak manages a health services research portfolio within the Division of Behavioral and Social Research, Population and Social Processes Branch at the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

Elena Fazio
Project Officer, NIA
Elena Fazio is a Health Scientist Administrator in the Division of Behavioral and Social Research at the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
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