Professional Development Programming

Networking Events – On Monday and Wednesday evenings, in-person SISMID attendees are invited to attend a networking mixer with fellow attendees and program instructors. The networking mixer will feature a poster session, with all attendees welcome to share their recent or ongoing work. This is a great opportunity for participants to interact and debrief with instructors and each other. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be provided.

Lunch and Learn - During Tuesday and Thursday lunches, students are invited to attend optional professional development programming. These will be presentations or panel discussions with featured experts. Topics include skills building and information about fellowships and career opportunities. Some days have 3-4 concurrent sessions and students are able to select one session to attend.

The lunch and learn schedule will be available in the Spring of 2025, please check back for details.

Lunch and Learn 

To be announced


Networking Nights / Poster Presentations


  • Title:
  • Presenter:
  • Room Location:
  • Title:
  • Presenter:
  • Room Location: