Introduction to R

Meeting Times:

  • Monday, July 15, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday July 16, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday July 17, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Classroom: Classroom: Randall Rollins Building (RR 201)

Module Summary:
This module introduces the R statistical environment, assuming no prior knowledge. It provides a foundation for the use of R for computation in later modules. In addition to discussing basic data management tasks in R, such as reading in data and producing summaries through R scripts, we will also introduce R’s graphics functions, its powerful package system, and simple methods of looping.

Hands-on use of R is a major component of this module; users require a laptop and will use it in all sessions. Examples and exercises will use data drawn from biological and medical applications, including infectious diseases and genetics. Participants require a laptop and will use it in all sessions. Suggested pairing: All later modules.

This module assumes prior knowledge of basic descriptive statistics and regression modeling consistent with an introductory statistical course.

Module Content:

  • Write and use R script.
  • Create and use R projects and R Markdown files.
  • Read and write data files
  • Install and load R packages, and be able to access the help system and other resources to facilitate their use.
  • Learn base R syntax
  • Perform basic data manipulations (e.g. working with different data types, creating new variables, merging data sets).
  • Use R to perform descriptive statistics including graphics.
  • Perform basic inferential statistical analyses including regression analysis.
  • Write and use R functions, and perform basic programming in R including loops.


Amy Winter, PhD

Amy Winter, PhD

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Amy Winter is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Georgia. She has been coding in R for 10 years, and uses R day-to-day to conduct her research addressing policy-relevant questions on the transmission and control of infectious diseases in human populations, particularly VPDs. She teaches a semester-long course titled Introduction to Coding in R for Public Health to graduate students at the University of Georgia.

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Zane Billings

Zane Billings

Graduate Student

Zane Billings is a PhD student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Georgia, working with Andreas Handel. He has been using R since 2017, and uses R for nearly all of his statistics and data science practice. Zane’s research focuses on the immune response to influenza vaccination, and uses machine learning and multilevel regression modeling (in R!) to improve our understanding of influenza immunology.

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Required Software:
R + RStudio (to be downloaded and installed prior to the start of the course)

Recommended Reading:
Primary research and tutorial articles will be provided for additional reading.