I am a PhD student in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Rollins School of Public Health. I have broad research interests in health insurance and cancer care. My research has focused on health insurance coverage, coverage disruptions, health insurance literacy, and the Affordable Care Act and access to care throughout cancer control continuum. I am also interested in topics related to social determinants of health, especially incarceration and access to cancer care and cancer outcomes.
I received my MPH in epidemiology from Rollins School of Public Health in 2017. Currently, I am also working as a health services researcher at the American Cancer Society. For a full list of up to date publications, visit my Google Scholars page.
Areas of Interest
- Cancer Prevention
- Health Economics
- Health Policy
- Health Services Research
- MPH 2017, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
- Zhao J, Han X, Miller KD, Zheng Z, Nogueira L, Islami F, Jemal A, Yabroff KR., 2023, Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Changes in Patterns of Cancer-Related Mortality in the United States., JCO Oncology Practice., ,
- Zhao J, Yabroff KR., 2023, High out-of-pocket spending and financial hardship at the end of life among cancer survivors and their families., Israel Journal of Health Policy Research., ,
- Zhao J, Han X, Zheng Z, Fan Q, Shi K, Fedewa S, Yabroff KR, Nogueira L., 2023, Incarceration history and health insurance and coverage changes in the US., American Journal of Preventive Medicine., ,
- Zhao J, Han X, Nogueira L, Hyun N, Jemal A, Yabroff KR, 2022, Association of State Medicaid Income Eligibility Limits and Long-Term Survival After Cancer Diagnosis in the United States, JCO Oncology Practice, pp,
- Zhao J, Han X, Nogueira L, Jemal A, Halpern MT, Yabroff KR, 2022, Health insurance status and cancer stage at diagnosis and survival in the United States, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, ,
- Zhao J, Zheng Z, Nogueira L, Yabroff KR, Han X, 2022, Preexisting Condition Protections Under the Affordable Care Act: Changes in Insurance Coverage, Premium Contributions, and Out-of-Pocket Spending, Value in Health, ,
- Zhao J, Han X, Zheng Z, Nogueira L, Lu AD, Nathan PC, Yabroff KR, 2021, Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Childhood Cancer Survival in the United States, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 30, 2010-7
- Zhao J, Han X, Nogueira L, Zheng Z, Jemal A, Yabroff KR, 2020, Health insurance coverage disruptions and access to care and affordability among cancer survivors in the United States, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 29, 2134-40
- Zhao J, Miller KD, Islami F, Zheng Z, Han X, Ma J, Jemal A, Yabroff KR, 2020, Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Lost Earnings From Cancer Deaths in the United States, JNCI cancer spectrum, 4, pkaa038
- Zhao J, Mao Z, Fedewa SA, Nogueira L, Yabroff KR, Jemal A, Han X, 2020, The Affordable Care Act and access to care across the cancer control continuum: A review at 10 years, CA: a cancer journal for clinicians., 70, 165-81
- Zhao J, Zheng Z, Han X, Davidoff AJ, Banegas MP, Rai A, Jemal A, Yabroff KR, 2019, Cancer History, Health Insurance Coverage, and Cost-Related Medication Nonadherence and Medication Cost-Coping Strategies in the United States, Value in Health, 22, 762-7
- Zhao J, Han X, Zheng Z, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, 2019, Is Health Insurance Literacy Associated With Financial Hardship Among Cancer Survivors? Findings From a National Sample in the United States, JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 3, pkz061