Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Lillian  Madrigal

Assistant Research Professor

Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ

Dr. Lillian Madrigal is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences. She serves as the Director of Implementation Science & Practice at The Emory Centers for Public Health Training and Technical Assistance. Her work focuses on the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based interventions to promote health behaviors and outcomes. In her role at Emory Centers, she works on projects across all sub-centers providing subject matter expertise on research and evaluation design, mixed-method data collection and analysis, project management, scientific writing, training and curriculum development, and technical assistance delivery. She works closely with a variety of clients and partners including community-based organizations, federal agencies (CDC, NIH), state and local health departments, tribal organizations, academic partners, foundations, healthcare providers, and non-profit organizations. 

Dr. Madrigal is also the Director of the Diabetes MATCH Initiative.

Contact Information

Atlanta , GA


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Behavior and Health
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Health Promotion
  • Implementation Science


  • MPH 2013, University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • PhD 2022, Emory University Laney Graduate School