Rollins School of Public Health | Faculty Profile
Emory Rollins School of Public Health
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Johanna  Hinman, MPH, MCHES

Adjunct Instructor

Adjunct Professor

Affiliate, Executive MPH

Johanna M. Hinman is Director of Education and Global Surgery for the Department of Surgery in Emory University’s School of Medicine. Johanna has over 20 years of experience in public health education, health communication, program planning and project management. A graduate of Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) and a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, Johanna has worked for the CDC and the Arthritis Foundation National Office. She spent 10 years at the RSPH, working in tobacco control and environmental health, then the Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC). Johanna oversaw EPRC administration, managed supplemental funding applications, led communication and dissemination efforts, supervised project staff, and coordinated partnership activities. In 2012, she joined the Department of Surgery, where she oversees programs and initiatives for education and training of medical students, surgery residents, fellows and faculty members. She also administers the Center for Surgical Anatomy and Technique (CSAT), which engages innovative teaching and simulation practices for the training of surgeons. 

Johanna is active in the Georgia Public Health Association (GPHA) and the American Public Health Association (APHA). She is a Past Chair of APHA’s Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section and the GPHA Health Education and Health Promotion Section, and a past President of the RSPH Alumni Association. She is a Past President of GPHA. Johanna also teaches in the Executive MPH Program at RSPH.

Contact Information

Atlanta , GA

Phone: 404-727-9624


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Cancer Prevention
  • Community Based Research
  • Health Promotion

Courses Taught

  • PRS 580D: Research Design & Grant Prep

Affiliations & Activities

Emory School of Medicine, Department of Surgery


Emory Prevention Research Center (prior affiliation)

Publications and Social Media