Colleen McBride
Professor Emerita
Faculty, Behavioral/Social/Health Educ
Secondary Appointment, Global Health

Dr. McBride is a professor of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences, and served as the department chair 2014-2021. She came to Emory from the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health, where she served as founding chief and senior investigator of the Social and Behavioral Research Branch. McBride's research focuses on innovative public health interventions to promote risk-reducing behaviors, specifically using genetic information to motivate healthy behaviors. Genetic information, scientists believe, eventually will allow lifestyle interventions to be personalized to make compliance with healthy behaviors easier.
McBride held academic positions at the University of Washington as well as Duke University Medical Center, where she served as chief of the Division of Prevention Research in the Department of Community and Family Medicine. At Duke, she was director of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Program. She has held adjunct faculty appointments in the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contact Information
1518 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: 404-727-8226
Areas of Interest
- Behavior and Health
- Cancer Prevention
- Genetics
- Global Health
- Health Communication
- Health Promotion
- Obesity Prevention
- Smoking Prevention/Cessation
- PhD Behavioral Epidemiology 1990, University of Minnesota
- MA Sociology 1982, University of Arizona
- BA Sociology 1980, University of Wisconsin
Affiliations & Activities
BRIDGES – Academic Leadership for Women, University of North Carolina, 1996
Executives in the Health Professions, Duke University, 2001
Harvard Business School Negotiation Workshop, 2008
Society for Behavioral Medicine Newsletter, Founding Editor, 1993-1996
Associate Editor Health Psychology, 2002
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Editorial Board, 2002 - present
Associate Editor, Public Health Genomics 2011- present
- McBride CM, Comeau DL, Mastin AE, Cooper HLF, 2019, A Public Health of Consequence: Shifting the Cultural Narrative From Churning Grants to a Scholarship of Consequence , American Journal of Public Health, 109, 1535-1538
- Martha McKenzie, 2015, Personalized public health, Emory Public Health, ,
- McBride CM, Birmingham W, Kinney AY., 2014, Health psychology and translational genomic research: bringing innovation to cancer-related behavioral interventions., American Psychologist, in press, ,
- Watanabe E, McBride CM, Ayode D, Tora A, Farrell D, Davey G. , 2014, Use of footwear and foot condition among rural Ethiopian children., Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, in press, ,
- Ayode D, McBride CM, de Heer HD, Watanabe E, Schiller E, Gebreyesus T, Tora A, Tadele G, Davey G., 2013, A qualitative study exploring barriers related to use of footwear in rural highland Ethiopia: Implications for neglected tropical disease control., PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(4),
- McBride CM, Persky S, Wagner LK, Faith MS, Ward DS, 2013, Effects of providing personalized feedback of child’s obesity risk on mothers’ food choices using a virtual reality buffet, International Journal of Obesity, 37, 1322-1327
- McBride CM, Bryan AD, Bray MS, Swan GE, Green ED, 2012, Cracking the nut of health behavior change: Can genomics improve behavioral adherence?, American Journal of Public Health, 102(3), 401-5
- McBride CM, Bowen D, Brody LC, Condit CM, Croyle R, Gwinn M, Khoury MJ, Koehly LM, Korf BR, Marteau TM, McLeroy K, Patrick K, Valente TW. , 2010, Future health applications of genomics: priorities for communication, behavioral and social sciences research., Am. J of Preventive Medicine, 38(5), 556-565
- McBride CM, Koehly LM, Sanderson SC, Kaphingst KA., 2010, The behavioral response to personalized genetic information: Will genetic risk profiles motivate individuals and families to choose more healthful behaviors? , Annual Review of Public Health, 31, 89-103
- McBride CM, Alford SH, Reid RJ, Larson EB, Baxevanis AD, Brody L., 2009, Characteristics of users of online personalized genomic risk assessments: Implications for physician- patient interactions. , Genetics in Medicine, 11(8), 582-587
- Persky S, McBride CM., 2009, Immersive Virtual Environment Technology: A Promising Tool for Future Social and Behavioral Genomics Research and Practice Health Communication., Health Communication, 24(8), 677-682
- McBride CM, Alford SH, Reid RJ, Larson EB, Baxevanis AD, Brody LC, 2008, Putting science over supposition in the arena of personalized genomics., Nature Genetics, 40(8), 939-942
- Lewis MA, McBride CM, Pollak KI, Puleo E, Butterfield RM, Emmons KM. , 2006, Understanding health behavior change among couples: An interdependence and communal coping approach., Social Science & Medicine, 62(6), 1369-80
- Emmons KM, McBride CM, Puleo E, Marcus BH, Pollak KI, Napolitano M, Clipp E, Farraye F, Fletcher R, Onken J. , 2005, Reduction of Multiple Behavioral Risk Factors for Colon Cancer: Results from Project Prevent. , Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 14, 1453-1459
- Scholes D, McBride CM, Grothaus L, Civic D, Ichikawa LE, Fish LJ, Yarnall K. , 2003, A tailored self-help intervention to promote condom use in young women: Results from a randomized trial. , AIDS, 17, 1-10
- McBride CM, Emmons KM, Lipkus IM. , 2003, Understanding the potential of teachable moments for smoking cessation. , Health Education Research , 18(2), 156-170
- McBride CM, Bepler G, Lipkus IM, Lyna P, Samsa G, Albright J, Datta S, Rimer BK. , 2002, Incorporating feedback of genetic susceptibility into a smoking cessation intervention for African American smokers with low income. , Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention , 11, 521-28