Richard Saltman
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Professor
Faculty, Health Policy and Management
Dr Saltman's research focuses on the structure and behavior of European health care systems. He has written extensively about numerous production side-topics including reforms in primary health care and in hospital organizations—particularly in tax-funded health systems in Northern Europe. He has also edited volumes on decentralization and on social health insurance systems in Europe. Current projects include the relationship between stability and stasis in hospital organization, the impact of slower economic growth for national health policymaking, the changing role of solidarity, and the expanding role of patient responsibility as part of co-production of health services.
Contact Information
Rollins School of Public Health , 1518 Clifton Road NE
, GA
- BA 1969, Dartmouth College
- MA 1971, Stanford University
- PhD 1980, Stanford University
Affiliations & Activities
Emory University, Department of Political Science
Associate Director of Research Policy, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels
Co-director, Swedish Forum on Health Policy, Stockholm
- R.B.Saltman, J. Teperi, 2016, Health Reform in Finland: Current Proposals and Unresolved Challenges , Health Economics Policy and Law, ,
- A. Duran, P. Jeurissen, R.B. Saltman, 2016, Uncomfortable Realities: Making Real Change Inside Real Institutions in a Consolidating Hospital Sector (article forthcoming) , BMC Health Services Research, Special Issue: "Medicine and Management in European Hospitals," I. Kirkpatrick, E. Kuhlmann, K. Hartley, F. Lega, eds. , ,
- E. Nolte, C. Knai, and R.B. Saltman, eds, 2015, Assessing Chronic Disease Management in European Health Systems. Occasional Studies Series No. 37 , European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, ,
- D.S. Kringos, W.G.W. Boerma, A. Hutchinson, and R. B. Saltman, eds., 2015, Building Primary Care in a Changing Europe , Occasional Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, Vol I; Vol II, ,
- R.B.Saltman, 2015, Can Decentralization and Personal Responsibility Help Re-Structure the NHS? (forthcoming), , In: E. Stubbs, ed, Universal Healthcare for Tomorrow, Civitas, London, ,
- R.B.Saltman, 2015, Commentary on choice policies in Northern European health systems, Health Economics Policy and Law, Vol 10, No. 4, Oct 2015, 455-461
- R.B. Saltman, A. Duran, 2015, Governance, Government and the Search for New Provider Models,, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2015.198, ,
- R.B.Saltman, 2015, Health Sector Solidarity: A Core European Value but with Widely Varying Content, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, DOI: 10.1186/2045-4015-4-5, ,
- R.B. Saltman, T. Hagen, and K. Vrangbaek, 2015, New Strategies for Elderly Care in Denmark and Norway, Eurohealth 21 (2): 23-26., ,
- R.B.Saltman 2015, Health Policy & Innovation In: E Kuhlmann, R. Blank, I.L.Bourgeault, and C. Wendt, eds, 2015, The Palgrave International Handbook on Healthcare Policy and Governance, , , 23-36
- A. Duran and R.B. Saltman , 2015. Governing Public Hospitals. In: E Kuhlmann, R. Blank, I.L.Bourgeault, and C. Wendt, eds, 2015, The Palgrave International Handbook on Healthcare Policy and Governance, , , 443-461
- T. Rice, P. Rosenau, L. Unruh, A. Barnes, R.B. Saltman, and E. van Ginnekin, 2014, Challenges Facing the U.S. in Implementing Universal Coverage, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 92 (12), , 894-902
- R.B. Saltman, 2014, Structural Patterns in Swedish Health Policy: A Thirty Years Perspective, Health Economics Policy and Law 10 (2), , 195-215
- A Duran and R.B. Saltman, 2013, Innovative Strategies in Governing Public Hospitals, Eurohealth 19 (1) , , 3-8
- R.B. Saltman and Z. Cahn, 2013, Re-Structuring Health Systems for an Era of Prolonged Austerity, British Medical Journal: BMJ , 346: f3972 DOI: 10.11136/bmj.f3976,
- E. Jakobowski and R.B. Saltman, 2013, Recent Health System Governance Reforms. Occasional Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, (Earlier version published as “Comparative Governance Arrangements in Eleven Countries” in Appendix 4 of Slutbetankande av Statens Vard och Omsorgutredning (Final Report of The Swedish Government’s Commission on Health and Social Care), SOU 2012:33, Stockholm, May 2012, pp. 289-374.), ,
- T. Rice, P. Rosenau, L. Unruh, A. Barnes, R.B. Saltman, and E. van Ginnekin, 2013, United States of America. Health in Transition (HiT) Series, Vol. 15, No. 3, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, ,
- R.B.Saltman, 2012, Can Public Hospitals Re-invent Themselves? Weighing the Evidence from Tax-Funded Health Systems in Europe, International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics 2(1), , 37-44
- R.B. Saltman, K. Vrangbaek, J. Lehto, U. Winblad,, 2012, Consolidating National Authority in Nordic Health Systems, Eurohealth 18 (3), 21-25, (Reprinted in edited form as “After Decades of Decentralization, the State Now has a Growing Role in Nordic health Systems,” EUROPP BLOG, London School of Economics, 11 March 2013), , ,
- N. Genet, W. Boerma, M. Koimann, A. Hutchenson, and R.B. Saltman, eds, 2012, Home Care Across Europe Current Structure and Future Challenges; occasional series , European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, ,
- R.B. Saltman, A. Duran, and H.W.F. Dubois, eds., 2011, Governing Public Hospitals: Recent Strategies and the Movement Toward Institutional Autonomy, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, Occasional Series No. 25,
- R. B. Saltman, J. Calltorp and A. de Roo, 2011, Health Sector Innovation and Partnership: Policy Reponses to the New Economic Context, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 50th Anniversary Meeting on Health, Invited Paper, 22 June, Paris, DELSA/HEA (2011)17. Re-printed in M. Pearson et. al., eds., Strategies for Dealing with Patients with Multiple Morbidities, OECD, Paris., ,
- W. Boerma. N. Genet, M. Koimann, A, Hutchenson, and R.B. Saltman, eds., 2011, Home Care in Europe, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels , ,
- J.Magnussen, K. Vrangback, and R.B. Saltman, eds., 2009, Nordic Health Care Systems: Recent Reforms and Current Policy Challenges , Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education, London, ,
- Saltman, R. B, V. Bankauskaite and K. Vrangbaek, eds., 2007, Decentralization in Health Care: Strategies and Outcomes, Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education, London., ,
- Saltman, R.B., and Bankauskaite, V., 2006, Conceptualizing Decentralization in European Health Systems: A Functional Perspective, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1(12), 127-147
- Saltman, R.B., and Bergman, S.E., 2005, Renovating the Commons: Swedish Health Care Reforms in Perspective, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law , 30(1), 253-276
- Vohlonen, I., Ihalainen, R., Saltman, R.B., Karhunen, T., and Palmunen, J. , 2004, Improving Health Security: A Pilot Study from Finland Linking Disability and Health Expenditures, Health Policy , 87(2), 119-127
- Saltman, R.B., 2003, The Melting Public-Private Boundary in European Health Care Systems, European Journal of Public Health , 13(1), 24-29
- Saltman, R. B, 2002, Regulating Incentives: The Past and Future Role of the State in Health Care Systems, Social Science and Medicine, 54, 1677-1684