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Monique  Hennink


Faculty, Global Health

Dr. Monique Hennink is Professor in the Hubert Department of Global Health in the Rollins School of Public Health and Associated Faculty in Sociology at Emory University. She is also Visiting Professor at University of Michigan, Department of Epidemiology, and Instructor at the University of Columbia's EPISUMMER program in Epidemiology. She earned her PhD in Demography in the United Kingdom.

Dr Hennink was indicted into Emory’s MilliPub Club in 2023 and 2024 for two research papers. This honors faculty authors of a scientific publication with over 1,000 citations - considered high impact scholarship. She received the 2020 Provost’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Education at Emory University. She also received the 'Excellence in Research' Award in 2019 and the 'Excellence in Teaching' Award in 2016 at the Rollins School of Public Health.

She has particular expertise in applying qualitative research to examine public health issues. She has 30 years’ experience in the design, conduct, analysis, and publication of qualitative health research. She has authored five textbooks on qualitative research, including: Qualitative Research Methods 2nd edition (2020); Focus Group Discussions (2014), Qualitative Research Methods (2011) (also translated into Chinese) and International Focus Group Discussions (2007). She teaches graduate-level courses in qualitative research at Emory University. She developed the 'QUAL-WORKS' ( training program for public health professionals. Her courses, workshops and books reflect the application of qualitative methods in globally diverse settings and provide guidance on how to balance methodological rigor with the practical realities of global research. She has also published on various methodological aspects of qualitative research, such as using interpreters and translators in qualitative research; the effect of using court reporters on data quality; estimating sample size in qualitative studies; and highlighting emerging methodological issues in focus group research. She is a board member for SAGE Publications on their ‘Cases in Methodology’ work, and is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. She co-chaired a three-year scientific panel for the International Union of the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), on ‘Qualitative Research in Population Studies’ which had a mandate to promote rigor in the use of qualitative methods in the discipline. She has led scientific sessions on qualitative research at key professional forums, such as: International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry; International Institute for Qualitative Methods; European Association of Population Studies; and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.

Her research focuses on understanding the social, cultural and contextual influences on behavior around public health issues in order to develop effective health interventions. She focuses primarily on sexual and reproductive health, sanitation behavior and chronic disease management. She has conducted studies to examine sexual risk taking amongst mobile populations; sex education and sexual behavior of adolescents in different cultural contexts; cultural norms surrounding contraceptive use; influences on sex trafficking; and the context of sexual risk taking after male circumcision. She has also conducted research on women’s empowerment, such as the contribution of microcredit to empowerment and health improvement; whether microcredit can be strengthened to enhance poverty reduction; and how empowerment influences maternal health. She is core faculty in the Centre for Global Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at Emory University and conducts collaborative research on behavioral influences on sanitation behavior in developing countries. For example, behavioral influences on latrine use; the influence of social networks on purchasing household water filters; gender and water management; and pathways of fecal contamination in urban slums. She is an affiliated faculty member of the Global Diabetes Research Centre and conducts collaborative studies on tailoring lifestyle interventions to population groups at heightened risk for diabetes in the US and internationally.

Contact Information

Rollins School of Public Health ,

Atlanta , GA 30322

1518 Clifton Road. Room 7031

Phone: 404.727.4882

Fax: 404.727.4590


Update Profile

Areas of Interest

  • Adolescent Health/Child Health
  • Behavior and Health
  • Community Based Research
  • Global Health
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention
  • Sexual Health/Behavior


  • B.A (Hons) 1987, Flinders University, South Australia
  • Ph.D 1997, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Courses Taught

  • GH 522: Qual.Methods 2: Data Analysis

Affiliations & Activities

What students have to say:

Dr. Hennink is a great listener and wonderful advisor who makes time to meet with students.  Her generosity is displayed through a genuine concern and care for student interests, and her ability to dispense valuable advice complements her wide range of research experience in reproductive health and family planning.” – Stephanie Hess

"Dr. Hennink brings a wealth of wisdom, insight and experience to the Global Health Department. Her passion for improving reproductive health and qualitative research is inspiring! She always goes above and beyond for students, even while writing her latest book or journal article. She is an incredible resource for every GH student. I am extremely grateful for all her guidance and support!" - Karen Foster

 “Dr. Hennink is a wonderful addition to the Department of Global Health. She has mentored me in numerous ways.  She immediately responds to my most pressing questions and concerns, and has been willing to assist me well outside of her office hours - I recall her graciously making an international phone call on my behalf! I am grateful for her guidance and her dedication to students. She provides a similar level of passion and commitment within the classroom as well.  Dr. Hennink has a wealth of experience with regards to her work in reproductive health, and she is more than willing to assist students in pursuing their own interests and dreams.” – Juno Lawrence


  • , , Teaching Qualitative Sample Size Estimation. , Chapter in Ruth, A., Wutich, A., and Russell, B (editors) The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors. , ,
  • , , Sample Sizes for Saturation in Qualitative Research: A Systematic Review of Empirical Tests. , Social Science and Medicine., 292,
  • , , Code Saturation vs. Meaning Saturation: How many interviews are enough?, Qualitative Health Research, 27, 591-608
  • , , How are Qualitative Methods used in Diabetes Research? A 30-Year Systematic Review. , Global Public Health, 11, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2015.1120337
  • , , What Influences Saturation? Estimating Sample Sizes in Focus Group Research, Qualitative Health Research., 29,
  • , , How Does Microcredit Lead to Empowerment? A Case Study of the Vinya wa Aka Group in Kenya. , Journal of International Development, DOI:10.1002/jid.3130,
  • , , Socio-Cultural Influences on Default of Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) for Tuberculosis in Rural India, Global Public Health, 16, 1-13
  • , , Delicate Web: Household changes in health behaviour enabled by microcredit in Burkina Faso, Global Public Health , 8, 144-158
  • , , Quality Issues of Court Reporters and Transcriptionists for Qualitative Research., Qualitative Health Research, 23, 700-710
  • , , Vinya wa Aka: An Expanded Microcredit Model for Community Development. , Development in Practice , 23, 1034-1047
  • , , Defining Empowerment: Perspectives from International Development Organizations. , Development in Practice, 22, 202-15
  • , , Exploitation, Vulnerability to Tuberculosis, and Access to Treatment among Uzbek Labor Migrants in Kazakhstan., Social Science & Medicine, 74, 864-72
  • , , A qualitative study of sexual behavior change and risk compensation following adult male circumcision in urban Swaziland. , AIDS Care, 24, 245-51
  • , , Microfinance and HIV Mitigation Among People Living with HIV in the Era of Anti-Retroviral Therapy: Emerging Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire, Global Public Health, 6, 447-61
  • , , Knowledge of Personal and Sexual Development amongst Young People in Pakistan., Culture, Health and Sexuality. , 7, 319-332
  • , , Perceptions of Sex Education for Adolescents in Lesotho, Culture Health and Sexuality, 7, 129-143
  • , , The Impact of Family Planning Clinics on the Urban Poor in Pakistan, Studies in Family Planning , 36, 33-44
  • , , Sex Trafficking in Nepal: Context and Process., Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 13, 305-338
  • , , Contraceptive Use Dynamics of Asian Women In Britain., Journal of Biosocial Science, 31, 537-554
  • , , Safer Sex at Holiday Centers: Providing Contraceptive Services to Seasonal Workers, British Journal of Family Planning , 25, 45-54
  • , , Using Focus Groups in Social Research, Handbook of the Psychology of Interviewing. Chapter 2.5, pp113-141. Memon. A., and Bull., R. (Eds) John Wiley & Sons., ,
  • , , Young Asian Women and Relationships: Traditional or Transitional? , Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22, 867-891